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We cover insurance on 100 tons of wool.

We couldn't withhold our laughter. 我们忍不住大笑起来.
We count on your honor and conscience that you will abide by that rule. 我们希望你的荣誉和良心遵守规则。
We counted cars and tried to guess the color of the next one to turn the corner. 我们数着过往的车辆,并猜想着下一辆拐过街角的汽车的颜色。
We cover a wide range of broadcasting products including the semiconductor camera light, Lithium Ion camera battery, Nickel Metal Hydride camera battery, intelligent battery charger, camera accessories, TFT LCD color monitor, HD-SDI interface, etc. 公司目前产品包括新闻采访用半导体光源灯具、摄像机锂离子电池和镍氢电池、充电器、电源适配器、TFT彩色高清晰液晶监视器、HD-SDI高清数字串行接口等。
We cover a wide range of products including Shenli anti-pilling polar fleece, printing anti-pilling polar fleece, Jiawei velvet series, mélange yarn fabric, healthy fabric, wool-like fleece, jersey, interlock, pique(mesh), terry fabric, etc. 公司主要产品有:申利摇粒绒、嘉维天鹅绒、海丽针织面料、爱维针织牛仔面料、法丝龙运动面料及得丽色纺纱。
We cover insurance on 100 tons of wool. 我们为这100吨羊毛办理保险。
We cover insurance on the 100 tons of wool. 我们为这100吨羊毛办理保险。
We covered a lot of ground on our tour of Spain. 在西班牙旅游时,我们去了许多地方。
We covered about 30 miles a day. 我们每天大约走三十英里。
We covered seventeen miles on foot. 我们步行了十七英里。
We covered the body with a sheet. 我们用床单遮盖尸体。

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