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A Candidate may appoint one election agent only.

A Canadian genetics study has shown that smoking may damage a man's sperm, which can be detrimentally passed along to offspring. 加拿大一项遗传学研究表明,吸烟可能损害男性精子,不利于其后代。
A Canadian multimedia play, an Australian comedy and a Swiss experimental play would display theatrical explorers' skills. 加拿大多媒体戏剧《震颤》、澳大利亚喜剧《莎士比亚全集》、瑞士实验戏剧《魔力无极限》,将让观众领略戏剧开拓者的风采。
A Canadian professor will lecture at the school auditorium. 一个加拿大教授要在学校礼堂讲座。
A Canadian study in the journal Neurology has found that a certain type of wind can trigger the painful brain episodes in some people. 在《神经病学》期刊上一项加拿大的研究发现,某种特殊类型的风能引起一些人脑部疼痛。
A Cancer, Taurus or Pisces will put a different spin on your life. 巨蟹、金牛或是双鱼座的追求者都将在你的生命中扮演不同的角色。
A Candidate may appoint one election agent only. 每一位候选人只可委任一名选举代理人。
A Carling Cup start brought his first senior medal and the purple patch in form continued as the Premiership had added. 一个奖杯开始带给了他第一个成年奖章,紫色的装饰将随着最佳奖项的增加而持续下去。
A Cartesian coordinates robotic system was developed to transplant tissue culture plantlets or scions from a flat plane to culture flasks in order to minimize the need of labor. 摘要本研究设置一套直角座标机器人系统,用以扦挿移植组织培养苗至培养瓶或相关容器中,期能取代移植作业的人工,降低此一产业的人力需求。
A Catholic convent is renovating a room. The Mother Superior orders two nuns to paint the room, but commands not to get any paint on their clothes. 一个天主教的修女院正翻新一个房间。大嬷嬷派两个修女去刷房间,还不许把任何油漆弄到她们的衣服上。
A Celtic idiom. 凯尔特人的惯用语
A Centennial Commemorative Statue will be dedicated in downtown Chicago to provide a permanent recognition of Rotary's founding. 此外,在芝加哥市中心将安置一座百年纪念雕像,做为扶轮创立的永久纪念。

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