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One wonders if there is a short-list of totally raw ultra-tall kids from China getting imported to play in American high schools.

One woman was lying in bed, awake, listening to the rushing winds. 有一位女人醒着躺在床上,静听着那疾驰而过的大风。
One woman was lying in bed,listening to the rushing winds. 一个女人躺在床上,静听着疾驰而过的大风。
One woman, in Peru, was saved from an earthquake by lying between two mattresses. 秘鲁的一位妇女,躲在垫子之间从地震中死里逃生。
One wonders also why Nature, with some snakes concocted poison of such extreme potency. 人们也不知道大自然为何在一些蛇身上调制出这样高效的毒液来。
One wonders how Chelsea have lost their identity. 很奇怪的是切尔西怎么丢失特性了。
One wonders if there is a short-list of totally raw ultra-tall kids from China getting imported to play in American high schools. 不禁让人联想:从中国进口来美国高中打球的,水平一般但是身长无比的小孩们是不是真的只有几个。
One wonders saliva into why Nature, with respect from that of others, as other on the blood. 人们弄不清楚大自然为什么在某些蛇的身上调制出如此高效的毒液来。
One word keep for me in thy silence, World, when I am dead,I have loved. 当我死时,世界呀,请在你的沉默中,替我留着“我已经爱过了”这句话吧。
One word keep for me in thy silence, o world, when I am dead, I have loved. 当我死时,世界呀,请在你的沉默中,替我留着“我已经爱过了”这句话吧。
One word keep for me in thy silence,O world, when I am dead,I have loved. 世界啊,当我死后,请在你的静谧中,为我留下我曾经爱过了这句话.
One word keep for me in thy silence,Oworld,when I am dead,“I have loved. 终章世界啊,当我死后,请在你的静谧中,为我留下“我曾经爱过了”这句话。

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