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But scientists are concern the virus could mutate into a form more easily spread between humans, causing a pandemic.

But saw your this son, and then let me bring about hope on forum. 但是看了你的这个帖子,又让我对论坛产生了希望。
But scans found women\'s brains showed emotional responses, while men\'s showed activity linked to sexual arousal. 研究者们让受试者一会儿看自己所爱的人的照片,一会儿看另一个他们认识的人的照片。
But scans showed otherwise and Cole is already underway with his rehabilitation. 但是观察发现,乔.科尔正在良好康复的过程中。
But sceptics see it as more akin to the stock picking of active managers than the diversification promised by index funds. 但怀疑者认为这是急于建功的管理者的一厢情愿,违反了指数基金分散性的承诺。
But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper. 但是科学家和技术人员已不断努力使它们的体积变得轻巧又经济实惠了。
But scientists are concern the virus could mutate into a form more easily spread between humans, causing a pandemic. 但是科学家关注的是病毒可以变异成一种能在人类中轻易传染的病毒,导致广泛流行。
But scientists disagree about the extent to which it also stores memories. 但是科学家不同意关于这部分同样还能存储记忆的部分。
But scientists disagree on which family is the most primitive. 但是科学家们对于哪一个家系是最原始的尚未达成一致。
But scientists hae yet to sole a exing problem: deeloping an efficient transport system that is capable of deliering therapeutic payloads to specific cells. 但科学家必须解决令人困扰的问题:发展一种有效的传输系统,使治疗的有效物质被负载并传送到特定的细胞。
But scientists involved in the effort warned that squabbling among teams and government representatives from more than 100 countries — over how to portray the probable amount of sea-level rise during the 21st century — could distract from the basic findin 但是参与这项报告的科学家警告说,从一百多个国家来的团队与政府代表,在如何预估21世纪中海平面可能的上升幅度的争执,却可能使人忽略了一项基本的发现,也就是在未来的数世纪中,在这个逐渐暖化的世界里,缩减的海岸线将会成为一个常态.
But scientists say the increasing rate at which they're finding new exoplanets makes it almost certain that the galaxy is swarming with smaller, rocky, and potentially habitable worlds that have so far eluded detection. 但是科学家认为这些外部行星被发现的比率的上升几乎确定了银河充满了我们目前还没侦测到的小的,固态并有可能适合居住的行星。

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