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Go all out to do something kind and compassionate for yourself.

Go ahead, we are all listening to you. 开始吧,我们都听着呢。
Go ahead,layer on the papaya bubble bath,coconut body lotion and strawberry lipgloss .Besides making you smell delicious,it'll make you happier! 来吧,请使用木瓜泡沐浴、椰子洁肤液和草莓唇膏。这样你不仅身上有好闻的味道,心情也会更快乐。
Go ahead,my friend,maybe you'll find a quiet forest,with a thin fallen leaves decorate the ground.Sitting quietly for a while,or leaning on a tree,or lingering,you embed yourself to the natural landscape.Whatever angels to see,you're the best landscape in 继续走,我的朋友,或许你会找到一处幽雅的林地,地上一层薄薄的落叶堆积,或片刻静坐,或倚树而立,或婆娑而行,你将自己嵌入这自然间的风景里,无论从任何角度看你,你都是这风景中最好的风景,自然中最好的自然。
Go ahead. I won't be needing it until three anyway. 用吧。反正我三点之前用不着。
Go ahead. We're all listening. 请讲,我们都在听。
Go all out to do something kind and compassionate for yourself. 去做一些对自己仁慈和体谅的事情。
Go all out to turn Chengdu into a clean, modern and civilized city with a new look. 人人动手塑造现代文明清洁的城市新形象。
Go along / down this road, and you will see the bookshop at the end. 沿着这条路走下去,你会在尽头看到书店。
Go along / up this road to Wang Fujing. 沿着这条路走下去,你会在尽头看到书店。
Go along the corridor and it's on your right side. 沿着走廊走,在你右手边。
Go along the road and turn to the right at the traffic lights. 沿着这条路向前走,到红绿灯处向右拐。

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