In conclusion, a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.
例︰总而言之?好国民应该遵守交通规则。 |
In conclusion, a good citizen should observe traffic regulations.
例如:总而言之,好公民应该遵守交通规则。 |
In conclusion, a good parent has a large capacity for love, is trusting, and must be very responsible.
总的说来,好的父母要有很强的爱心,要信任孩子,还要非常负责。 |
In conclusion, accurate diagnosis and aggressive treatment play an important role in the management of small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix.
正确的诊断和积极的治疗在子宫颈的小细胞上皮癌的处置上扮演重要的角色。 |
In conclusion, adequate functional dynamic reconstruction of abdominal wall defects could be possible in use of an innervated free latissimus dorsi muscle flap to offer enough contractile capacity and strength to replace the function of the missing abdomi
总结而言,具神经支配之阔背肌自由皮瓣可提供足够之收缩力与强度来取代失去的腹壁肌肉,以达到适当且具动态功能性之腹壁缺损重建。 |
In conclusion, approximately two years after surgery about 10% of the patients experienced some degree of pain or local discomfort in their operated groin.
结论:网塞疝修补后两年后,大约10%的病人经历过不同程度的疼痛和不适。 |
In conclusion, awareness of this rare entity may help the differential diagnosis of adrenal masses preoperatively.
结论:对这些罕见肿瘤的认知,有助于术前对肾上腺肿瘤的鑑别诊断。 |
In conclusion, bone scan is a good tool for tuberculous osteomyelitis for defining disease extent, choosing sites for microbiological biopsy analysis and monitoring treatment response.
骨骼扫描在结核骨髓炎可用来界定影响范围、选择微生物取样分析部位以及监利治疗效果。 |
In conclusion, controlling for the discrepancies in tax expenditure and welfare need among nations is considered justifiable in theory to refine the conventional measure of welfare effort in the international comparison; the conceptually expected effect,
总之,控制税式支出与福利需求的跨国差异,在理论上预期会有效改善传统的福利投入国际比较,但是在本实证研究中,此种效果并不显著。 |
In conclusion, dating doesn't have to be difficult and treacherous.
作为结论,约会不一定得是困难和靠不住的。 |
In conclusion, dynamic cooling is effective in protecting the epidermis and papillary dermis, while achieving deep tissue photocoagulation during Nd:YAG laser illumination.
因此,在铷雅铬雷射对深部组织造成光凝疗效的同时喷射冷却系统可有效的保护表皮。 |