Yet, for all Mr Saakashvili's high-profile rambunctiousness, the most important country in the Caucasus is Azerbaijan. |
中文意思: 然而,虽然萨卡什维利如此任性蛮横,趾高气昂,但高加索地区最重要的国家却是阿塞拜疆。 |
Yet, despite this joyful promise neither is able to suppress fully the anxieties about the moment when, after dinner, they must “reveal themselves fully to one another” on the narrow four-poster bed with pure white covers.
但尽管有如此美妙的希望,他们谁也无法完全压制自己的焦虑——晚饭后,那一刻他们将在盖有纯白色床单、带有四根帐杆的卧床上“袒诚相见”。 |
Yet, during these best of times for seafood-lovers, gourmands still can't avoid feeling pangs of regret for a disappearing past.
然而在这样吃海鲜最幸福的年代,美食家们也不免要发出这样小小的喟叹。 |
Yet, effective treatments for severe itching are limited.
然而,有效治疗严重瘙痒的方法仍然有效。 |
Yet, far more sinister events take place behind the scenes.
但是,布景中的世界中有远比现实险恶的事情发生。 |
Yet, few researchers have examined the combined role of a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet and exercise in weight loss and body composition.
然而,很少研究人员有去检视高蛋白质、低碳水化合物饮食和运动在减重和体格中的这样一个结合的角色。 |
Yet, for all Mr Saakashvili's high-profile rambunctiousness, the most important country in the Caucasus is Azerbaijan.
然而,虽然萨卡什维利如此任性蛮横,趾高气昂,但高加索地区最重要的国家却是阿塞拜疆。 |
Yet, for all that, the Democrats consider the economy fertile ground too.
不仅如此,连民主党也认为经济形势良好。 |
Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustration and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them.
然而,对我们大多数人来说,这些憧憬在日常生活在成规和挫败中已经变得如些渺茫,以至于我们甚至不再努力去实现它们。 |
Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them.
然而,对我们大多数从来说,这些憧憬在日常生活的成规和挫败中已经变得如此渺茫,以至于我们甚至不再努力去实现它们。 |
Yet, he has an impressive string of other accomplishments.
然而,他还有其它成就给人们留下深刻的印象。 |
Yet, in France, too close an association with les Anglo-Saxons is usually seen as a liability, and not just because of differences over Iraq.
然而,在法国国内,与盎格鲁—撒克逊人走的太近会视为是种障碍,不仅仅因为法英对伊拉克战争意见相左。 |