A : I'd be delighted to.
我很乐意呀。 |
A : I'm sorry. The line is busy. Please hold.
我也想替你接,但对方仍在讲话中,请等一下吧。 |
A : I'm thinking of applying for work-study next semester. I would like to buy an MP3 player and a digital camera.
下学期我想申请学校的工读。我想买个MP3的随身听和数位相机。 |
A : Is the school cafeteria very expensive?
学校的自助餐是怎麽算钱的呢? |
A : Is this October Pictures Limited?
这里是不是拾月堂有限公司呢? |
A : It is unwise to involve yourself in this matter.
(你把自己牵涉入此事是不明智的。) |
A : It's to commemorate the founder of the university, Cheng, She-wo.
为了纪念学校的创办人和老校长成舍我。 |
A : May I have your phone number ?
可不可以把你的电话号码告诉我呢? |
A : Next week I have to hand in an assignment and it can't be handwritten. But I don't have a computer, not to mention a printer.
下个礼拜要交作业,老师说要用列印的,可是我没有电脑,更不用说印表机了。 |
A : No, this is the fourth.
不是,这儿是四楼。 |
A : Oh, just looking at these club notices. I'm thinking of joining one. Hey, why don't we join the same club together? How about the Guitar Club?
(噢,我刚好在看这些社团的布告,我正在考虑加入哪一个。喂,我们何不一起加入同一个社团?吉他社团如何?) |