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The event, being held in honor of the country's revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej, is expected to strain the capacity of the area's numerous hotels and guest houses, so local temples are also throwing their gates open to visitors, the newspaper reported.

The event took place on the Champ de Mars, which was at the time quite far outside Paris. 这一活动是在“战神广场”举行的,那里在当时离巴黎市区还很远。
The event was imprinted on my memory. 那个事件铭记在我的记忆里。
The event was meant to bolster pride in a city desperately in need of good news. 这件事情满足了市民需要好消息的自豪心理。
The event will also allow the unveiling of the true dharma to the people, in turn allowing the construction of a new world. 这个事件也允许在群众面前揭开真正的教法的面纱,事实上是允许一个新世界的建筑。
The event will take place at London's Albert Hall on October 18 next year — and will pull in some of the biggest names in music and fashion. 这次流行盛会将于明年的十月十八日在伦敦艾伯特音乐厅举行,屇时会有音乐届和时尚届的名人参加。
The event, being held in honor of the country's revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej, is expected to strain the capacity of the area's numerous hotels and guest houses, so local temples are also throwing their gates open to visitors, the newspaper reported. 《曼谷邮报》指出,博览会期间,当地宾馆、旅店可能会出现入住紧张的情况,于是一些寺庙准备为需要投宿的游客敞开大门。
The events I'm speaking of were subsequent to the war. 我现在说到的事情都是战后发生的。
The events came thick and fast. 事件接二连三地发生。
The events here are fuzzy, but it seems to have gotten loose from the mines, because several people say it cast a shadow over Lórien. 这儿的事件扑朔迷离,不过它(指伯洛格)似乎是从(矮人的)矿坑(矮人挖的也不是金矿)跑出来的,因为好些人都说到降临到萝林上的阴影。
The events in the cockpit failed to conform to standard operating procedures, the Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU) said. 飞行事故调查局说,驾驶舱里所发生的事情未能遵守“标准的操作程序”。
The events left their stamp on his mind. 这些事件深深铭刻在他的心里。

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