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Based on the above, this article not only explains the connotation of profitability objective and the profit pattern of developmental financial institution, but also demonstrates the reasons to pay attention to the profitability objective and to reconcile

Based on the Theory of detonation dynamics and fracture mechanics and combined with engineering experiences, the parameters of soft rock tunnel hole charge and smooth blasting are analysized to enhance tunnel excavation proficiency in soft rock and smooth 摘要为提高软岩巷道掘进效率和光爆效果,利用爆轰动力学和断裂力学理论,分析了软岩巷道掏槽及光爆参数,结合工程实践经验,得出了软岩巷道光面爆破参数的取值范围,对软岩巷道爆破参数的设计和施工具有一定的指导意义。
Based on the above achievement, they are working hard in order to reach the goal of green agriculture according to the area character and real resource. 密云县在已取得成绩的基础上,根据区域特点和资源实际,朝着农业产业化经营方向,为实现绿色农业发展目标继续努力。
Based on the above data, explain why E. coli ceased growing in the chemically defined medium but continued to grow in the nutrient broth. 根据上述数据,解释为何大肠杆菌在化学成份确定的培养基中停止生长,但是在营养肉羹培养基中又恢复生长。
Based on the above research conclusion, dust control and management measures of coal warehouse bottom have been chosen, which provides a theoretic basis for dust control and management of coal washery. 基于该研究结论,提出了选煤厂毛煤仓仓下粉尘控制和治理措施,为选煤厂仓下的粉尘治理提供了理论和实践指导依据。
Based on the above, the meaning of medium-term prediction of strong earthquakes is discussed in the light of common features of regional deformation anomaly and combined with background of geological tectonic activities. 在此基础上,分析探讨了基于区域性形变异常共性特徵、结合地质构造活动背景进行强震中期预测的意义。
Based on the above, this article not only explains the connotation of profitability objective and the profit pattern of developmental financial institution, but also demonstrates the reasons to pay attention to the profitability objective and to reconcile 本文在此基础上解释了开发性金融机构盈利性目标的内涵,开发性金融机构的盈利模式,并论证了其为什么需要注重盈利性目标,并实现政策性目标与盈利性目标的协调统一。
Based on the above-mentioned Requirements, some comments on the newly-published College English (new edition) textbook series by SFLEP are made with the purpose of getting some attention on textbook series from the public. 拟就在全国广泛使用的《大学英语(全新版)》系列教材中的具体体现发表个人见解,以期大家关注该套教材。
Based on the above-said characteristics, a combination of stochastic simulation and fuzzy simulation is applied for establishing ship economy expected value model. 基于以上特点,文章采用随机模拟和模糊模拟相结合的方法建立了船舶经济指标期望值模型。
Based on the abundant field data and the comprehensive analysis,the authors discusses the distribution, present status and hazard of surface collapse in Pingdingshan mining area, defines the suitable rock movement parameters through lots of rock movement 摘要依据丰富的野外调查资料,通过综合分析,论述了平顶山煤矿区地面塌陷灾害的发育分布现状及危害,根据大童的岩移观浏资料,确定出适合本区的岩移参数,采用概率积分法对采谋所引起的地面塌陷进行了预测。
Based on the acknowledgement and the perfect interpretation of the principle of free Conviction, the two theories and their argument should come to an end. 只要承认并对自由心证原则予以纯正把握,则两说及其论争可以终结。
Based on the acoustic radiation mode analysis, the transfer matrix relating the pressure at every field point to normal component of surface velocity is formed. 摘要基于声辐射模态分析,建立了外部场压和结构表面振动速度之间关系的传递矩阵。

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