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But just as important is the age-old beliefs in most European countries that the sound of a bell can turn away an approaching storm, deflect lightning or tame a tornado.

But junior high and high school teachers nationwide say they see a troubling trend: The words have become so commonplace in children's social lives that the techno(3) spellings are finding their way into essays and other writing assignments. 全国初高中教师说情况越来越麻烦:这些极具科技感的词汇在孩子们的社交生活中变得非常普遍,以至于很自然地跑进他们的作文或者其他写作作业中。
But just as China returns idiosyncratically to its own form of capitalism, so too the Bund is undergoing a halting facelift to revive it as a symbol of the city in the 21st century. 但正如中国以特有的方式推行其独树一帜的资本主义,外滩也正在以蹒跚的步履经受整容,使其在21世纪焕发新貌,继续作为上海的标志。
But just as a coin has two sides, tourism inevitably has its disadvantages. 凡事都有两方面,旅游不可避免地有其缺陷。
But just as every good promise of the LORD your God has come true, so the LORD will bring on you all the evil he has threatened, until he has destroyed you from this good land he has given you. 15耶和华你们神所应许的一切福气怎样临到你们身上,耶和华也必照样使各样祸患临到你们身上,直到把你们从耶和华你们神所赐的这美地上除灭。
But just as he was about to pass, he scampered out of line and stood before us at the end of the pew. King did good, Mom! 但是,正当他要走过在教堂最后一排我们坐的靠背长凳的当儿,他跑出队列,站在我们的面前,“金表现不错,妈妈!”
But just as important is the age-old beliefs in most European countries that the sound of a bell can turn away an approaching storm, deflect lightning or tame a tornado. 但另一同样重要析原因是,在许多欧洲国家有个非常古老人说法,即钟声能使即将来临的暴风雨移开,使闪电转向,使龙卷风驯服。
But just as monarchy used religious trappings to justify its rule, modern show-biz celebrity has a way of slipping into a form of popular religion. 但是就像君主政体用宗教的伎俩来合法化自己订定的规则,现代娱乐界的名人渐渐进入到一种大众信仰的形式。
But just as often, these details compose a fascinating silhouette of a character that arguably shaped the 20th century more than any other. 然而,正是这些细节构成了一幅对于二十世纪最具争议之人物的剪影,令人觉得饶有趣味。
But just as the American government used the constitution's interstate commerce clause to expand its powers, so the European institutions have exploited single-market rules to extend their responsibilities into such areas as social policy, welfare and the 不过,正如美国政府使用宪法的州际商务条款扩展自身权利,欧盟宪法同样设立了单一市场法规,以便让欧盟能将职能延伸到诸如社会政策、福利、环境等领域。
But just as the speed and scale of China's rise as an economic power have no clear parallel in history, so its pollution problem has shattered all precedents. 但是就象中国的经济崛起速度和尺度在历史上找不到可比较对象一样,它的污染程度也找不到任何先例。
But just as there are foods that make us grumpy and short tempered, there are foods that comfort and inspire (when used in moderation). 但是正如有些食物使我们变得脾气暴躁一样,有些食物也会舒缓我们的神经,激发我们的灵感(食用适量的时候)。

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