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I daren't declare that the shares are my spare fare and welfare on the farewell party.

I dare you to say that again. 我谅你也不敢再说了。
I dare you to talk to that girl. 我谅你也不敢去和那个女孩说话。
I dare you to tell her that to her face. 你敢当面对她那么说吗?
I dared not go to the reading-room for several days. 一连好几天,我都不敢去阅览室。
I dared not to go to watch horsed again, lighted the half of cigarette left yesterday, laid down on the grass bed there was a wall newspaper curtain comfortably. 我不敢再跑出去看什么马了,点燃昨天剩下的半截香烟,舒舒服服地在围着报纸的草铺上躺了下来。
I daren't declare that the shares are my spare fare and welfare on the farewell party. 在告别会上,我不敢宣称这些股票是我的备用车费和福利。
I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers. 我不敢把比尔放到花园去--他会把花全都拔掉的。
I daresay anything he had to say in the lecture would have been old stuff to you. 我敢说,他在演讲里所谈的对你来说必定是老套。
I darkened the first layers, also changed the coloring a little. 我加深了第一个层,所以改变了一点颜色。
I dated this girl for about three months. Every other word out of her mouth was a swear word. It ended up being a real turn-off. 我跟这个女孩子约会了三个月。从她口里说出的话几乎每隔一个字就是脏话,结果她真使人感到兴味索然。
I deadly won't do that. 打死我也不干。

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