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He told them that “to ensure the judges' integrity and also to ensure the happiness of the family, they may learn from the “roaring lion” (Chinese matephor of a shrew wife) in the movie at home, and be a good wife.

He told them that he was the Prince of Denmark. 他告诉海盗们他是丹麦的王子。
He told them that the love affair between Hamlet and Ophelia was the true cause of his madness. 普罗尼尔斯禀告他们,哈姆雷特和欧菲莉亚之间的爱情才是哈姆雷特发疯的真正原因。
He told them that they were to build a single headquarters to house the entire war department, then scattered over 23 sites. 索穆威尔讲道,他们将建造一个单独的军事总部来安顿整个战争部门,并逐渐地在23个地点建立基地。
He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are - and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life - can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up. 他告诉儿子们说,不能以一季来判断树,更不能以一时来判断人,因为人之本质——源自他们喜、乐、爱的根本——只有在其生之了结时,才可盖棺论定。
He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up. 他告诉儿子们不可用一个季节的风景来评断一棵树或是一个人,关于构成一个人是怎样的一个人的要件,还有一个人生命的欢愉、喜乐、爱,只能在他生命的尽头时候来做衡量。
He told them that “to ensure the judges' integrity and also to ensure the happiness of the family, they may learn from the “roaring lion” (Chinese matephor of a shrew wife) in the movie at home, and be a good wife. 他表示“为了法官的清正廉洁,为了家庭的幸福,大家不妨在家里学学电影里的河东狮吼,当个好妻子。”
He told them this parable: Look at the fig tree and all the trees. 29耶稣又设比喻对他们说,你们看无花果树,和各样的树。
He told us a deliberate lie. 他存心说谎。
He told us a farfetched story about the president asking for his advice. 他跟我们讲了一件不合常理的事,说总统常徵询他的意见。
He told us a hoar old joke that we'd all heard many times before. 他给我们讲了一个我们都听了很多次的老掉牙的笑话。
He told us a hoary old english joke that we'd all heard many times before. 他给我们讲了一个我们都听了很多次的老掉牙的英语笑话。

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