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12 Monitor obsolete material and continually reduce dollar levels of obsolete inventory.

12 I'd like to buy an excursion pass instead. 我要买一张优待票代替。
12 In cases of all anticipated Delays, the Development Manager shall notify the Owner in a timely manner of any options available regarding proposed remedial actions which would offset any potential Delays so as not to preclude the Owner's prerogative of 在发生任何预期的延误时,开发管理人应及时将所有提议的补救措施的方案通知业主,该等补救措施将弥补任何潜在的延误从而避免妨碍业主选择适当的改正措施的权利。
12 In the 1820s Coffin moved west to Newport (now Fountain City), Indiana, where he opened a store. 在19世纪20年代,科芬向西迁移前往印第安纳州的新港(即今天的喷泉市),在那里开了一家小店。
12 July 2007 - China continued gaining shares on the US import market for home textiles in the first half this year. 2007年7月12日---上半年中国在美国家用纺织品进口市场继续取得份额。
12 July 2007 - Crude oil prices may continue rising in the near term, with a possible rebound in polyester prices when China's textile industry will be back to the market in August. 2007年7月12日—八月中国纺织行业将重返市场时,在涤纶价格有可能反弹的情况下,原油价格可能在短期内继续上涨。
12 Monitor obsolete material and continually reduce dollar levels of obsolete inventory. 监控作废的原材料并持续减少作废的库存。
12 One was filled with petrol, one with castor oil and one with vinegar. 一个瓶子装满汽油,一个瓶子装满蓖麻油,还有一个(瓶子)装满醋。
12 Optimization plays an important role in project design. 在工程中,优化是十分重要的。
12 Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish. 一位杰出的领导者会竭尽所能提升手下的自信心,因为一个相信自己的人,往往能缔造令人惊讶的成果。
12 People who prefer camping to staying in hotels will have a hard time in the cities, because most of these cities don't have campground nearby. 12对于那些宁愿露宿户外而不愿睡在旅馆里的人来说,城市可不是他们的乐园,因为大多数城市没有邻近的野营地。
12 Porter came to Portland when he was 13 after his father, a salesman, was transferred here. 波特13岁那年随着当推销员的父亲工作调动来到波特兰。

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