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If you have difficulty in class, please make an appointment with your teacher. He/she will be glad to help you.

If you have cow you have to get up early to do the milking. 如果你养了奶牛,你必须早起挤奶。
If you have cows you have to get up early to do the milking. 如果你养奶牛,你就得每天起早去挤奶。
If you have cows you have to get up early to do the milking. 如果你有牛,你就必须起个大早去挤奶。
If you have dandruff you will still find a substantial amount of stuff in your hair. 如果你有头皮屑,那你就会发现头发中仍存留着大量物质。
If you have dandruff, consult a doctor. It is treated with prescription medicine. Shampoos that claim to fight dandruff are lying! 如果你有头皮屑,就要去看医生。它可以通过处方药来治愈。自称有去屑功效的洗发水都是骗人的!
If you have difficulty in class, please make an appointment with your teacher. He/she will be glad to help you. 如果你听课有困难,可以约见老师寻求帮助,老师会高兴的帮你。
If you have difficulty spotting new wds you can mix the letters in the master wd. 如果不能频出其他的文字出来,您能够把主要词句中的文字参着用。
If you have difficulty spotting new words you can mix the letters in the master word. 如果不能频出其他的文字出来,您能够把主要词句中的文字参着用。
If you have dinner there it'll put you back five pounds a head. 若你们到那儿吃晚餐,每个人得花5英镑。
If you have downloaded the software already, be sure to register. 如果你已经下载了这种软件,请确定你已经注册成功。
If you have enough ginger,put your horse to me. 如果你够姜的话就放马过黎!

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