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With the high quality and the reasonable price, we have expanded export trade and sold our products all over the world, especially to America, Europe and Japan.

With the help of two dogs, he drove the sheep down the mountain. 在两只牧羊犬的帮助下,他把羊从山上赶了下来。
With the help of young Anya who's no Amazon! 在年轻的安亚的帮助下。她可不是亚马逊哦!
With the help of your Jewel Quest journal, the wisdom of ancient scripts and your puzzle expertise you will discover the fabled Tonatiuh - The Temple of the Fifth Sun. 这款游戏的难度可是相当高的哦,需要考验你的眼力、智力、还有最重要的耐力。
With the heroic conviction that we too would be unconquerable if subjected to the agonies, that in the midst of the agonies we too should continue to love, might even learn to exult. 我们豪迈地相信:当我们身遭苦难,同样也是不可征服的;处在苦难之中,我们仍应胸怀热情,甚至还要效法前人,意气昂扬。
With the high furnace becoming larger with operation under high pressure and high wind temperature, more stringent requirements are raised for fire-retardant materials. 随着高炉的大型化以及高压、高风温操作,对耐材提出更多更苛刻的要求,针对这一情况,本公司联合有关科研院校进行技术攻关,开发出新一代出铁沟浇注料。
With the high quality and the reasonable price, we have expanded export trade and sold our products all over the world, especially to America, Europe and Japan. 公司产品质量上乘,信誉良好,是广大客户投资,恰谈业务的首选合作伙伴。
With the high quality hardware and world-class services in different aspects, AsiaWorld-Expo had met the demand of the organiser, exhibitors and visitors and was a key partner to the success of the event. 凭借场馆世界级的基建和各方面的高水准服务配合,亚洲国际博览馆为成功举办2006年世界电信展做出了积极的贡献,赢得了主办商、参展商和广大访客的一致赞赏。
With the high,pure and thin sound effect, luxurious decoration, more spacious of the view and can provide various large meeting, news conferences, demonstration a meeting for you, cocktail party, literature performance, communication would etc. 配以高清晰的音响效果,豪华的装璜,宽阔的观视更可为您提供多种大型会议、新闻发布会、展示会、酒会、文艺演出、联谊会等。
With the highest growth rate in North East Asia, particularly in South Korea and China. 亚洲东北部地区都维持着高速增长率,特别是在韩国和中国。
With the highlight of environmental issues and international concerns for the health and safety of humans, animals and plants, green trade barrier has become the major non-tariff barrier to present international trade, especially that of agricultural prod 摘要随着环境问题的上升和国际社会对人类、动物和植物的健康、安全等问题日益关注,绿色贸易措施已经成为当前国际贸易特别是农产品国际贸易面临的主要非关税壁垒。
With the historical trend of popularized higher education and the new century's education background that takes practical innovation as priority, learning skills from master teachers proves to be beneficial in many aspects: it can promote the combination 在高等教育大众化的历史趋势和以实践创新为主基调的新世纪教育背景下,拜师学艺能促进理论联系实际,提高课堂教学质量和效益;能有效地提高师范生实践教学能力;能密切高校与中小学的联系;能为教育改革发展提供借鉴,为师范生的职前培养和职后发展开辟广阔的空间。

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