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Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Jerusalem for talks with tops of Israeli and Palestinian leaders. They are not yet agreed on the deal to recognize the new Palestinian government.

Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham named it the highest “midterm” priority in a 20-year outlook of new science facilities. 在「未来科学设备的20年展望」中,美国能源部部长亚伯拉罕将这项计画列为最优先的中程目标。
Secretary of State Colin Powell discussed the issue in an unusual set of appearances on five TV network morning programs Tuesday. 星期二早上,鲍威尔国务卿不同寻常地接连在五个电视频道上露面,讨论了这个问题。
Secretary of State Colin Powell visited the region a few months ago and got a first hand look at the tragic conditions there. 美国国务卿鲍威尔几个月前访问了达尔富尔地区,亲眼目睹了那里的惨况。
Secretary of State Colin Powell, renowned musician Ravi Shankar of India, and Russian human rights activist Sergei Kovalyov and previous nominees such as former Czech president Vaclav Havel, Israeli nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu, and Bono of the 还有很多以前就曾经获得提名、这次再次被提名的人选,其中包括前捷克总统哈维尔、披露以色列核武项目内幕的核专家瓦努努等政治人物,也有爱尔兰U2歌唱组合中的主唱博诺等“平民百姓”。
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced the Bush administration is lifting its economic and political embargo against the Palestinian government. 美国国务卿赖斯宣布,布什政府将(取消)对巴勒斯坦政府实行经济和政治封锁。
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Jerusalem for talks with tops of Israeli and Palestinian leaders. They are not yet agreed on the deal to recognize the new Palestinian government. 虽然选举结果并不尽如人意,但参议院民主党仍称他们取得了胜利。上周六是评论布什总统处理伊拉克战争的决议。最终失败了,但是仍获得了56枚选票,其中7票来自共和党。民主党称选举结果表明了哪些人在反对战争。
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in the Middle East makes a quick side trip to Jordan to offer condolences for the victims of the Amman bombings. 正在中东访问的美国国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯到访了约旦,此行目的是为了对首都安曼爆炸事件中的遇难者表示哀悼。
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in an effort to persuade Abbas government to renounce violence and recognize Israel. 美国国务卿康多丽扎?赖斯在与巴勒斯坦领导人莫罕默德.阿巴斯会见时,试图说服阿巴斯政府停止暴力事件并承认以色列。
Secretary of State Rice says the protests across the Muslim world could spin out of control if governments refuse to urge their citizens to remain calm. 美国国务卿赖斯说,如果有关国家拒绝要求国民保持冷静,穆斯林世界的抗议活动就有可能失控。
Secretary of World Packaging Organization Carl Olsmats and President of APF (Asiatic Packaging Federation) Dharma Ratnayake attended the ceremony. 世界包装组织秘书长卡尔·奥斯迈茨,亚洲包装联盟主席达尔马·拉特纳亚克等参加了昨天的奠基仪式。
Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council Ali Larijani confirmed that Zebari has asked his Iranian counterpart, Manouchehr Mottaki, to attend the conference, the Islamic Republic News Agency reported. 据伊斯兰共和新闻社报道,国家高级安全委员会议长阿里·拉瑞贾尼证实了伊拉克外长贾巴里已经邀请伊朗外长参加此次会议。

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