You don't want to go back home for this reason?
就是这个缘故,你才不想回家的吗? |
You don't want to have a project where nothing works until it all works, where everything has to come together at once to make it work at all.
在你做的工作里面一定有一些新的,但是面对全新的问题并不是所有的不得不面对的事情。 |
You don't want to have something bad come around and bite you in the ass now do you?
你现在不希望一些不好的事情发生在你周围并从背后袭击你吧? |
You don't want to lag behind. Neither does she.
你不想落后,她也如此。 |
You don't want to memorize the piece.
用不着尝试记下曲调片段。 |
You don't want to offend anyone. But sometimes it's a little insensitive, and that's the nature of the joke.
你并不想冒犯别人,但是有的时候还是会无意之中冒犯了别人,不过,开玩笑嘛,这种情况本来就在所难免。 |
You don't want to shunt the other racer, you'll either damage both cars or even worse you may propel him forward and increase his lead!
你不会想撞上别人,你不想同归于尽,你更不想把别人向前推以至于他领先的更多! |
You don't want to straighten it too soon; it will cause you to hang back on your right side, and the ball can go anywhere.
要避免左膝关节过早地伸直;这样会导致你身体反向倾斜并使重心滞留在右侧,那样的话球飞去哪里可就说不定了。 |
You don't want to wear out your welcome.
大多数非正式的聚餐,你应该穿舒适、轻便的衣服。 |
You don't work, only want to eat for free.
你不做工,还想白白吃东西,哼! |
You don\'t even know their names.
你连他们的名字都不知道! |