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Darrell: Hi. Can you give me your measurements?

Darnley was very unhappy.‘Please,Mary my love,don't go!’he said.‘Don't leave me here! 达恩利很不高兴。“玛丽,我亲爱的,请不要走!”他说。“不要留下我一人在这里!”
Darrell : I think his style is cutting-edge. 达仁:我觉得他的风格领导潮流啊。
Darrell : Just remember though yesterday's hippies are today's millionaires. There's a lot of money in flower power. 达仁:要记得,昨日的嬉皮是今天的百万富翁,花儿力量可是很有钱的。
Darrell : Let me check the label. It says it's polyester. 达仁:让我看一下标签,这里说是聚脂纤维。
Darrell carried away the garland. 达雷尔在竞技中夺锦标。
Darrell: Hi. Can you give me your measurements? 达仁:嗨,你可否告诉我你的尺寸?
Darren Fletcher believes he was left out of the Carling Cup final as a test of his resolve to make it at Old Trafford. 达伦-弗莱彻相信他被排除在联赛杯决赛之外是弗格森爵士要测试他要留在老特拉福德的决心。
Darren Fletcher earned his 25th cap in the 2-1 victory, playing the full 90 minutes for Walter Smith's side. 弗莱彻在这场以2-1获胜的比赛中踢满了全场。
Darren Fletcher has vowed to battle for his position in United's midfield following the disappointment of being dropped in the Carling Cup final. 弗莱彻对自己被排除在联赛杯决赛阵容之外很失望,但他表示要为自己的位置而战。
Darren Fletcher insists United's rousing finish to last season is the inspiration behind their perfect start to the new campaign. 弗莱彻坚信,曼联在上个赛季末的表现引发了曼联在新赛季中的良好开局。
Darren Fletcher played in five of the six European matches last season, missing the final hammer blow – a 2-1 defeat to Benfica in December. 弗莱彻参加了当时六场比赛中的五场,没有参加12月份举行的最后一场被本菲卡2:1重创的比赛。

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