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The news comes as United boss Glenn Roeder insisted Owen's presence at Newcastle is a major selling point as he bids to bring new faces to St James's Park.

The news caused a great sensation. 这个消息十分轰动.
The news caused a war scare. 这消息引起了战争恐慌。
The news caused great excitement. 这消息令人极为兴奋。
The news caused quite a stir in the village. 那消息在村里引起了一片混乱。
The news cheered him up. 这消息让他心情好起来了。
The news comes as United boss Glenn Roeder insisted Owen's presence at Newcastle is a major selling point as he bids to bring new faces to St James's Park. 这个消息是在纽卡教练罗德表示欧文的出现对于纽卡来说非常重要的时候被透露出来的,而且他还有意引入更多的新面孔来到圣詹姆斯。
The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
The news confirmed my resolution. 这消息加强了我的决心。
The news contents of a newspaper, of course, remains the vital part that persuades the reader to become a regular subscriber. 报纸的新闻内容自然也就成为说服读者成为正常订户的重要手段。
The news created quite a disturbance among the crowd. 那则新闻在群众之间引发相当的骚动。
The news delighted Sarah so much that she jumped up and down excitedly. 这消息太让莎拉高兴了,她兴奋地跳上跳下。

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