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Ehud Olmert, Israel's inexperienced new prime minister, is discovering the old truism that wars are easier to begin than to end.

Eh, Yuanyuan,do you know China's Shenhua Program? 哎,渊源,你知道中国的“神华工程”吗?
Eh, what?' asked Nikita, opening his eyes.' 嗯,怎么办?'询问尼基塔,开他的眼睛.
Eh-heh, know why I say these things? 呵呵,直到我为什么要说这些吗?
Eh...You ...sell soup here?Soup soup...? 你...这里有卖什麽汤类?
Ehler N,Hjortdal JO.Excimer laser refractive keratectomy for high myopia:6-month follow-up of patients treated bilaterally[J].Acta Ophthalmol 1992;70∶578-586. 沈政伟,马群,黄震唏,等.多光区准分子激光角膜切削术治疗高度近视眼[J].眼科新进展1998;18∶196-198.
Ehud Olmert, Israel's inexperienced new prime minister, is discovering the old truism that wars are easier to begin than to end. 以色列那没有经验的新总理胡德?奥尔默特即将发现那古老的命题,发动战争比结束要容易。
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. Human Ethology. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1989. 《人类行为学》。纽约∶霍尔特,莱因哈特和温士顿,1989。
Eichenwald, Kurt, Gina Kolata, and Melody Petersen. Biotechnology Food: From the Lab to a Debacle.New York Times, January 25, 2001. 生物科技食品:从实验室变出来的大灾难>《纽约时报》,2001年01月25日。
Eidence from ten of the studies indicated that the herbal medicine improed angina symptoms, such as chest pain and discomfort. 其中10项研究说明该中药可以改善心绞痛症状,例如胸部疼痛和不适。
Eidur Gudjohnsen has described Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho as a father figureand claims his old manager is misunderstood in England ahead of his return to Stamford Bridge with Barcelona. 埃杜?古德约翰逊把切尔西俱乐部主教练何赛?穆里尼奥描绘成切尔西队员的父亲,而且他认为现在穆里尼奥处于被误解的高峰期,因为古德约翰逊下周将会重返斯坦福桥球场代表巴萨罗那迎战老东家切尔西。
Eidur Gudjohnsen has described Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho as a father figureand claims his old manager is misunderstood in England. 古德约翰森将切尔西主帅何赛·穆里尼奥形容为扮演着父亲一般的角色,并认为他的前任主教练在英格兰被误解了。

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