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I can't wait. It's been a long time since the last game which was against Croatia.

I can't leave the club like this, I want to win something with Lazio. “我不想这样离开俱乐部,我想和拉齐奥一起赢得荣誉。”
I can't recall any incident where an artist has walked off stage leaving colleagues open mouthed for no reason other than a bit of barracking,Norman Lebrecht, a leading opera commentator and critic, said. 顶尖歌剧评论家兼剧评诺曼.莱布列希说:「我想不起以前曾经发生过一位艺术家只因为被喝倒采,就走下舞台,让同台演出者瞠目结舌的事情。」
I can't talk about the lineup,Rodriguez said. I can tell you I should have done better. 我不能讲这个打线,但我可以告诉你,我必须要再努力!
I can't tell you how much I needed that after leaving my dad in Holland. “我不能告诉你在我离开在荷兰的父亲之后,我多么需要这些。”
I can't wait to eat hot cross buns!giggled Bracken, as her tummy let out a little rumble. “我都等不及吃十字面包了!”布莱肯咯咯地笑着,肚子都有点咕咕叫了。
I can't wait. It's been a long time since the last game which was against Croatia. “我不能再等下去。这已经有一段时间,自从上次对克罗地亚”。
I can\\\'t help you, Love. You are all wet And might damage my boat,\\Vanity answered. “我不能救你,爱情。你全身都湿透了,可能会损害我的船。”空虚回答。
I cannot do anything else but wait at my window for news. 我不能够做任何事,除了等待消息.
I cannot go into specifics but we will see how things pan out over the next few days. “我不能详细说明,但我们在几天内便可知道结果了。”
I cannot leave a player 10, 12, 14 consecutive games without playing. “我不能让一个球员连续10、12、14场比赛不上场。”
I cannot say sandstorms won't occur in 2008,Yang Weixi (transliteration), chief engineer of the Desertification Control Center of China's Ministry of Forestry told the Beijing Weekend publication. 中国林业部沙漠控制中心总工程师杨卫西(译音)对《北京周报》说:“我不敢说2008年就不会有沙尘暴了。

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