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However, it didn't make the divergence disappear, and the subordination of the Recovery Army became one of the particular reasons for the deteriorating of the relationship between the National Government and the Korean Temporary Government.

However, it can also occur as an isolated anomaly. 可能是输尿管穿过肾脏组织“桥”时的路径异常造成的。
However, it casts its spells on the fly like a sorcerer. 此外,它可以像术士一样任意选择法术施展。
However, it could hardly shorten the gap of social wealth by raising the rate of deduction. 但是它很难通过提高扣除标准的方式来实现缩小社会贫富悬殊的目的。
However, it could off course be a clever smokescreen engineered by the club to take the pressure of the playing staff. 尽管如此,事情却可能偏出预料之外,这个有可能只是俱乐部一手设计的一个高明的烟幕,去承受球员所受的压力。
However, it did not indicate which part of the country the man was stationed nor how he might have come in contact with the virus. 然而,卫生部没有说明这位军人所在的地方以及他是通过何种途径感染到病毒的。
However, it didn't make the divergence disappear, and the subordination of the Recovery Army became one of the particular reasons for the deteriorating of the relationship between the National Government and the Korean Temporary Government. 但中韩双方之分歧并未因此弥合,光复军之隶属问题反成为此后国民政府与韩国临时政府关系恶化的重要原因之一。
However, it emerged yesterday Juve have made contact with Inter about stepping out of the race for Metzelder in exchange for an opportunity to sign Walter Samuel, who has struggled for first team action at Inter this season. 然而,昨天有消息透露,尤文与国际米兰达成协议,退出竞争梅策尔德行列以获得萨穆埃尔的购买权,后者本赛季在国际米兰一直过的不如意.
However, it exhibits strong fluctuations such that a subset of space is very close to rupture at any time. 然而,它也显示强烈的波动,使某个空间子集在任何时间非常接近于破裂。”
However, it failed to reunify the island before May 2004—when Cyprus joined the European Union. 但是一直没有成功-2004.5月塞浦路斯加入欧盟。
However, it has a Ministry of Magic (GF28) and participates in international affairs. 安道尔是世界上最小的国家之一,不过也有魔法部(火焰杯第28章),并参与国际事务。
However, it has already been inlaid in the mind of Haikou people deeply and unchangeable to pay closer attention to and protect both the environment and natural resources, and put culture and quality of the urban population in the most important position; 第三句:“一个城市的文化是统领城市进步与发展的灵魂,从更高层次上寻求城市建设与管理的治本之策,用文化意识指导城市定位和规划,这已成为我们这一代城市管理者的理性自觉。”

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