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To second the needs of those who eat a lot of meals you can prepare meatballs and omelette strips to give the child during the day, instead of snacks.

To scorners He is scornful, But to the humble He gives grace. 34祂讥诮那好讥诮的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。
To search for a video, you can make an entry in the Video Name field. 在「影片名称」栏位中输入欲观赏的影片名称,影片名称就算输入不完全可以查询。
To search out these answers, I created raised-line drawings of five different wheels, depicting spokes with lines that curved, bent, waved, dashed and extended beyond the perimeter of the wheel. 为了找到这些答案,我创作了5幅不同轮子的凸起线条画,用不同的线条表示轮辐:弧形、弯形、波浪形、虚线形和在轮子周长之外延伸形。
To search the projects on facility manufacturing &total production line &solution in domestic &Asia, develop feasibility report. 负责在国内及亚洲寻找设备制造和整体解决方案的项目,并进行可行性分析研究。
To search the truth of this plague, it's necessary for us to restudy contemporary historian's records, make a through inquiry on the plague's origin, dissemination route, symptoms, infectious medium, the number of death, the countermeasures of the governm 为了探寻这次大瘟疫的真相,有必要重新研究当时史家对大瘟疫传播情况的记载,对瘟疫的起源和传播路线、瘟疫的症状和传染介质、死亡人数、政府对策及大瘟疫的影响几方面进行深入的探讨。
To second the needs of those who eat a lot of meals you can prepare meatballs and omelette strips to give the child during the day, instead of snacks. 为满足孩子的大胃口,你也可以准备一些肉丸或蛋饼当点心,让孩子不要一直吃零食。
To secure employment hopefully with your company. 希望能在贵公司任职。
To secure energy for the future, tackle climate change and end violence in oil-rich areas, a cooperative approach is now required. 为了确保未来的能源、解决气候变化、终结产油地区的暴力,现在我们急需一个合作性的对策。
To secure our border, we're doubling the size of the Border Patrol, and funding new infrastructure and technology. 为了保卫边境,我们把边防部队增加了一倍,并投资建设新的基础设施和技术。
To secure the supply of high quality rapeseed and to develop a contract farming and purchasing system, BIOLUX will closely cooperate with Chinese partners, farmers, governments and authorities as well as renowned Chinese universities and agricultural inst 为保证菜籽的高质量和进一步发展农村合同与购买体系,碧路公司将紧密地与中方的合作者,当地的农民,政府机关和中国著名的大学以及农业协会加强沟通和合作。
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. 武器是否令人类庸俗,腐败,我看这应是我们人类使用它的同时要负的责任.

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