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More importantly, it is translatable to the sword and to the knife.

More importantly, do you have a great idea for a business? 更为重要的是,你是否有一个出色的商业企划?
More importantly, having experienced firsthand the devastation and distress caused by the flooding, deep in my heart I sense the urge to act, to do something, to help. 更重要的是,经历这次毁灭性的灾害后,我内心被强烈的触动,我意识到我们大家此刻应该对此做些什么。
More importantly, he had a good attitude about life. 更重要的是,他对生活有了正确的态度。
More importantly, he has the uncanny skill of being able to convey this knowledge to the reader in a way that is so casual that it does not disrupt the fluidity of the prose and, somehow, this history doesn't lose its sense of mystery and romance in the p 更重要的是,他的手法高超,能用一种极其随意但又不会破坏散文流畅性的方式来向读者传递这一认知,并巧妙地使这段历史在叙述过程中保留了其神秘和传奇的色彩。
More importantly, he hopes his story will encourage others to learn to read. 更重要的是,他希望自己的经历能够激励人们去学会读书识字。
More importantly, it is translatable to the sword and to the knife. 更重要的是,这些技术还可以应用到剑和短刀上。
More importantly, it is trivial for an attacker to obtain a valid token. 更重要的,攻击者来可以很容易的获得到一个合法的令牌。
More importantly, labour-force participation is still more than a full percentage point below what it reached in 2000. 更为重要的是,劳动力参与率比00年还要低1个多百分点。
More importantly, our production facilities, technical know how and management experiences as based in China are transferred from these technology advanced countries. 我们的原料及物料供应主要来自位于欧洲的德国、比利时、西班牙,还有位于北美洲的美国及加拿大,以及属于亚洲的日本。
More importantly, the economics of the process are almost volume independent (9). 更重要的是,它的处理成本几乎不会随处理的水量的增加而增加。
More importantly, the findings underscored the importance of proactive personality and job satisfaction in jointly moderating and managing an episode of burnout effectively. 更重要的是,研究结果强调了主动性人格和工作满足感共同有效地缓和与控制着情绪倦怠。

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