The optimum pH and temperature of total endopeptidases in crude extracts were pH 7.0,0 ℃. Besides,Ca+,Zn+ and cystine could increase the endopeptidase activities. |
中文意思: 黄瓜叶片粗提液总内肽酶的最适pH为7.0,最适温度为0℃,内肽酶活性可被Ca+、Zn+、半胱氨酸等激活。 |
The optimum medium for callus inducement from leaves stalks and stem-explants is MS +0. mg/L TDZ +0. mg/L NAA,and the optimum medium for callus inducement from cotyledons is MS +0. mg/L TDZ+0. mg/L NAA.
叶柄、幼茎愈伤组织诱导最佳培养基为MS+0.mg/L TDZ+0. mg/L NAA; 子叶愈伤组织诱导最佳培养基为MS+0. mg/L TDZ+0. mg/L NAA。 |
The optimum medium of %Elaeagnus mollis% Diels was MS+BA mg/L+.-D . mg/L through tube leaves to induce callus.
果表明: MS+BAmg/L+ . D mg/L为最佳愈伤组织诱导培养基; |
The optimum medium of %Elaeagnus mollis% Diels was MS+BA mg/L+IBA 0.0 mg/L through callus to induce buds differentiation,the temperature of ℃ or so was suitable.
在诱导愈伤组织芽分化时,芽分化的培养基以MS+BAmg/L+IBA0. 0mg/L最为合适, 温度以℃左右为宜。 |
The optimum medium of Elaeagnus mollis Diels was MS+BA+.-D. through tube leaves to induce callus.
叶片愈伤组织诱导培养基以MS+BA_+.-D_(.)为最佳愈伤组织诱导培养基。 |
The optimum operation parameters of enzymatic hydrolysis derived from response surface analusis (RSA) include unit protease per gram dried ossein, and hours of hydrolyzing time at 7℃ and pH 7.+.
应用响应曲面分析优化了酶解工艺条件即g骨素粉加u的蛋白酶于7℃,pH7.左右下水解h。 |
The optimum pH and temperature of total endopeptidases in crude extracts were pH 7.0,0 ℃. Besides,Ca+,Zn+ and cystine could increase the endopeptidase activities.
黄瓜叶片粗提液总内肽酶的最适pH为7.0,最适温度为0℃,内肽酶活性可被Ca+、Zn+、半胱氨酸等激活。 |
The optimum preparation conditions were determined as follows: mass ratio of natural graphite to sulfuric acid, nitric acid and decanol ∶ ∶∶0.,reaction time 0 min,and reaction temperature 0 ℃.
确定了可膨胀石墨的最佳制备条件 :石墨与硫酸、硝酸、癸醇的质量比为 ∶ ∶∶0 ,反应时间为 0min,反应温度 0℃。 |
The optimum range of temperature for mycelium growth was 0-℃ , and suitable pH was -7. The CMA and oatmeal agar medium were better for sporulation.
仁果柱盘孢菌丝生长适宜条件为0~℃,pH~7; 在玉米粉和燕麦培养基上产孢量大。 |
The optimum reaction phs for immobilized Iannase (ITA)and tannase(TA)were .0 and . respectively.
果表明:固定化单宁酸酶(简称“ITA”)的最适反应pH为 .0,原酶(简称“TA”)为.; |
The optimum temperatures of stomach, intestine,liver and pyloric caeca for protease are 0℃,0℃,0℃,℃ respectively,for amylase are 0℃,℃,0℃,0℃,and for lipase are 0℃,0℃,0℃,℃.
鳜胃、肠、肝脏和幽门盲囊中蛋白酶的最适温度分别为0℃、0℃、0℃和℃,淀粉酶的最适温度分别为0℃、℃、0℃和0℃,脂肪酶的最适温度分别为0℃、0℃、0℃和℃。 |
The optimumingredients were selected as:00kg of pork(crural), % of salt,% sugar,0.g/kg ofsodium nitrite,0.% of Complex Phosphates,0.0% of sodium Isoascorbic Acid,8% of potatostarch, % of soybean isolate protein,0.%carrageenan and % of water.
确定了三文治火腿的优化配方为:猪后腿肉00kg,食盐 %,糖%,亚硝酸钠0.g/kg,马铃薯淀粉8%,大豆分离蛋白 %,复合磷酸盐0.%,异VC-钠0.0%,卡拉胶0.%,水%。 |