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Based on the classic manga (comic) by Osamu Tezuka, the Godfather of Anime and Manga, Metropoliswas brought to the screen by two of the most respected figures in Japanese animation today: Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) and Rintaro (X, Galaxy Express 999).

Based on the characteristics, an auto-correlation function method is obtained to estimate fractal dimension. 研究离散高斯噪声的自相关函数的性质。
Based on the characters of water erosion and rock clasts, the Zhangxia Loess is possibly a product of aeolian-talus-pluvial process. 张夏黄土下部呈现明显的水流侵蚀痕迹,中间夹有围岩碎屑,应属于风成、坡积、洪积成因的黄土状土。
Based on the charge quantum, the Hamiltonian and electric current of the system are obtained. 基于电荷的量子化,导出了传输体系的哈密顿量和电流。
Based on the circumstances of upswing of digital reference service, the article totally discussed the three aspects in academic libraries, which are first, the new idea of service notion; second, from asynchronization, synchronization to cooperation; thir 摘要本文基于数字参考服务日趋高涨的环境,从服务理念的新境界,异步、同步到合作,无序、有序到整合三个方面,对高校图书馆数字参考服务的理论和实践进行了论述。
Based on the clarifying the ideas and characteristics of early warning of farmer's income, establishing the index system of farmers' income and classifying the imbalance of farmers' income, deep and detail discussion on the procedures of early warning and 摘要从明确农民利益预警调控的思路与特性出发,通过确定农民利益失衡区正、负指标体系以及农民利益预警线,进行农民利益失衡区的分类处理,对农民利益预警调控程序进行了探讨,并对如何具体探定农民利益调控预警线进行了有益的尝试,为保障农民利益,解决“三农”问题提供参考。
Based on the classic manga (comic) by Osamu Tezuka, the Godfather of Anime and Manga, Metropoliswas brought to the screen by two of the most respected figures in Japanese animation today: Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) and Rintaro (X, Galaxy Express 999). 《大都会》是大师在1949年的作品,由大友克洋改编成动画,突显科技时代人类遇到的各种危机,人类与机械发展成两个誓不两立的集团,还存在权力与阶级分化,令整个社会动盪不安,等待有能者平乱。
Based on the classical nonlinear plate theory, axisymmetric post-buckling behavior of a functionally graded circular plate under radial compression was investigated. 摘要基于经典非线性板理论,研究了功能梯度圆板在均匀的径向压力作用下的轴对称过屈曲问题。
Based on the classification of solid waste which are treated by cement rotary kiln, the cement rotary kiln and ordinary refuse incinerators are compared in incineration procedure and incineration conditions, the environmental friendly aspects and possible 在对可人窑焚烧固体废弃物进行分类的基础上,比较了水泥回转窑与常规焚烧炉的焚烧过程和焚烧条件,分析了水泥回转窑处理固体废弃物的环境友好性,以及焚烧过程对大气环境、水泥产品重金属浸出对水环境的影响。
Based on the classification on the scheduling for semiconductor wafer lines, the modular and reconfigurable framework is proposed. 摘要在分析半导体生产线调度分类的基础上,提出了组件化可重构半导体生产线调度体系结构。
Based on the climatic and phonological conditions at each stage, the development characteristics of the arthropod community as well as the management strategies of its dominant pests were discussed. 可将枣园节肢动物群落在时序上分为发展期、过渡期、鼎盛期和衰减期4个阶段,并结合气候、物候变化,讨论了各阶段群落的发生特点和主要害虫的治理对策。
Based on the close packing and grain composition theory, a new anti-gas channeling lightweight high performance cement slurry system has been developed with industrial drift beads as lightweight additive and superfine gel as strengthening agent. 摘要基于紧密堆积和颗粒级配理论,研制了一种以工业漂珠为减轻剂、以超细胶凝材料为增强剂的新型低密度、高强度防气窜水泥浆体系。

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