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Accurate main shaft structure for heavy cutting, the main shaft is installed on a integrated main shaft head, with excellent rigidity for heavy cutting.

Accurate control of compression through close tolerances of gasket groove and allowance for radial expansion. 通过密封环槽的精密公差和径向膨胀的修正来进行压缩的精确调整控制。
Accurate cost data allowed the staff to ask—and answer—concrete questions about class size, cancellation policies, and the types of classes to offer. 精确的财务数据帮助人员了解该课程的精确信息,包括课程规模,注销政策和提供的课程类型。
Accurate diagnosis and management requires a thorough history, physical examination, and, when indicated, laboratory tests. 作出准确诊断需要彻底了解病史、进行体格检查,必要时进行实验室化验。
Accurate feedback control by IGBT inverter technology to stabilize output current. 输出电流采用先进的IGBT逆变技术进行精密的反馈控制,电流输出稳定.
Accurate information of population distribution is the important foundation for preventing flood disaster and the rescue when flood occurs. 摘要人口是重要的受灾体,准确的人口空间分布信息是防洪救灾工作的重要依据。
Accurate main shaft structure for heavy cutting, the main shaft is installed on a integrated main shaft head, with excellent rigidity for heavy cutting. 重切削精密主轴结构。主轴安装在一体成型主轴头,重切削刚性佳。
Accurately create DII, Tooling Sheets, &specific machining instructions. 准确创建DII、刀具表和特定机加工指导书。
Accurately deriving the true liquid flow velocity is the key for determining the stratification flow rate of oil and water and logging interpretation of liquid producing profile. 摘要准确求取流体的真实流动速度是确定油水各相分层流量及产液剖面测井解释的关键。
Accurately measure flow and protects the water supply from possible contamination. 精确测量流量,保护水供应系统不会受到可能的污染。
Accusations about lip-synching songs on stage started with her concert tour last year. 对她在舞台上假唱的指责是在她去年的一次巡回演唱会开始的。
Accusations of corruption have been made/brought/laid against him. 对他贪污的控告已经提出.

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