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What a l0ng sleepless night! I thought I was the only sleepless. So are you!

What a horrible pong! 臭死了!
What a humbling experience - yet how appropriate an action. 这是多么谦卑的一种经历啊——也是多么合宜的行为。
What a jerk! 你这人怎么这样!
What a killjoy he was. He dampened our spirits by saying that we were doomed to failure. 那家伙实在让人扫兴─他大泼我们冷水,说我们会注定失败。
What a knocker he is; no matter what we suggest, he finds fault with it. 他真是个吹毛求疵的人;不管我们提议什麽他都能挑出毛病来。
What a l0ng sleepless night! I thought I was the only sleepless. So are you! 长夜漫漫无心睡眠,我以为只有我睡不着觉,原来你也睡不着啊!
What a large waist he has! 他的腰多麽粗啊!
What a lark! ie How amusing! 真有趣!
What a lesson it would be to us in the school of prayer to have a clear apprehension of what this continuing with one accord in prayer meant to the disciples. 门徒同心聚集、恒切祷告的榜样,对现代信徒有心学习祷告者,是何等大的激励与模范!
What a let down! 真令人失望!
What a letdown! That wasn't as juicy as I thought. 太令人失望了!不如我想像的那麽有趣。

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