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As a direct result of the (Boxing Day) tsunami there is a risk that 9% of international travellers planning a holiday in 2005 have switched their travel plans to other regions,says a report published earlier this month.

As I stand here in this atmosphere where the genius of so many of the world's great cinema auteurs still lingers, I am honoured in the extreme and privileged beyond words to welcome the present generation .. who will surely come with a genius of their own 79岁的老演员波伊提尔在开幕式上说:“在此,我无比荣幸的向新一代电影导演们表示欢迎,虽然世界级老牌导演们的佳作仍占一席之地,但新人们一定能创造出属于自己的辉煌。”
As I understand it, it is a matter between Morgan Anderson and the police. “据我的理解,这件事只是摩根-安德森和警方之间的纠纷。”
As Mrs. Blair waves goodbye, the quiet woman knows her day is coming,the Mail said. 《每日邮报》说:“当布莱尔夫人挥手告别之时,这位安静的女人心里清楚该是她的天下了!”
As a Club, we never stand still. We are always looking to innovate and the facilities for matchgoing fans and executive clients are second to none. “作为一支球队,我们从不固步自封。我们一直寻求创新,并努力方便球迷。行政客户永远是第一位的。”
As a Spatial CAA V5 adopter the company is now applying its expertise to ensure tighter integration between styling, concept design, modelling, and manufacturing and production processes, by providing another innovative software solution. 如今正利用它的专长提供另一创新的解决工具,而紧密整合,从造型,概念设计,构图,制造一直到量产.
As a direct result of the (Boxing Day) tsunami there is a risk that 9% of international travellers planning a holiday in 2005 have switched their travel plans to other regions,says a report published earlier this month. 本月初发布的一份报告指出:“12月26日的海啸造成的直接影响是,大约有9%的外国游客为避免风险调整了2005年的度假计划,改变了旅游目的地。”
As a given area slows down, we'll take resources and refocus them elsewhere,he said. “由于原有市场发展速度减缓,我们将在别的地方寻找资源病进行开发,”他说。
As a group of players all we can do is perform well on the pitch and now hopefully the results can settle things outside. “作为一个团队,我们球员能做到的只能是在球场上兢兢业业,并且希望这些努力能带来好的结果。”
As a jeweler engraves a signet, you shall engrave the two stones according to the names of the sons of Israel; you shall set them in filigree settings of gold. 出28:11要用刻宝石的手工、彷佛刻图书、按著以色列儿子的名字、刻这两块宝石、要镶在金槽上。
As a shepherd cares for his herd in the day when he is among his scattered sheep, so I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day. 结34:12牧人在羊群四散的日子、怎样寻找他的羊、我必照样寻找我的羊.这些羊在密云黑暗的日子散到各处、我必从那里救回他们来。
As a striker myself I can say that Shearer had everything. “作为自己也是一名前锋,我可以说,希勒拥有一切。

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