The most common isotope of oxygen, for example, has an atomic weight of 16, but there are also rarer isotopes with weights of 17 and 18, caused by additional neutrons in their nuclei.
例如很常见的同位素氧,原子重量是16,但是还有更为稀少的重量为17和18的同位素,这是因为它们的原子核中有额外的中子。 |
The most common kind of allergic reaction is itchy, watery eyes and a blocked or watery nose.
最常见的过敏反应是瘙痒,双目出水及鼻塞和流鼻涕。 |
The most common kind of busker plays a guitar.
最常见的街头艺人是吉他演奏者。 |
The most common kind of busker plays a guitar. Passers-by will drop money into his/her guitar case.
最常见的街头艺人是吉他演奏者。路人会将钱丢入他/她的琴盒中。 |
The most common kind of hardware address is centrally managed by assigning manufacturers blocks of addresses to burn into their products.
最常见的一种硬体位址,是以中央管理方式把位址分派给各个制造商,再由制造商把位址烧录在产品上。 |
The most common malignant entities are lung cancer and mediastinal tumor.
常见的恶性肿瘤主要是肺癌和纵隔腔肿瘤。 |
The most common metastatic site is the small bowel, with the jejunum slightly higher than the ileum, and there are sporadic case reports of the duodenum, esophagus, stomach, large bowel, and anus.
肺癌合并胃肠道转移以小肠最多,其中空肠发生率略多于回肠,至于十二指肠、食道、胄、大肠与肛门则极为少见。 |
The most common method of actuation is the electric motor actuator, as it is generally the most cost effective.
最常见的方法是电动马达执行机构,因为一般情况下,这是一种性价比最高的方法。 |
The most common method of determining maximum differential pressure across the valve seats is to assign the maximum design or operating pressure the upstream value P1 and assume a downstream pressure P2 of 0 PSIG.
测定阀门阀座的最大压差的最常用方法是将最大设计或工作压力作为上游的压力值P1,然后假定下游压力值P2为0PSIG. |
The most common method of seasoning the humidor is to put a small dish of distilled water into the humidor before use.
我“调味”的方式是在未开始使用前﹐放一个盛了一些蒸馏水的小容器在保湿盒里﹐把其密封﹐放2-4天。 |
The most common nutritional deficiency is lack of dietary iron.
最常见的营养缺乏是膳食中铁的不足。 |