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In today's China, women and men are on equal footing.

In today's 5) liberated world, it is difficult to understand how important this 6) event was for 7) womankind. 在今天这个妇女解放的世界,我们很难理解这件事对妇女的重要性。
In today's China and abroad, the core of everyone's concerns is the environmental overall effect of economic growth and its social implications. 今天,无论是在中国还是国外,经济增长给环境所带来的影响及其社会效应已经成为所有人关注的话题。
In today's China is building a new socialist rural environment, especially with the current Chinese people in rural areas of disaster prevention, weak awareness of disaster reduction, the lower the resilience environment, disasters may become our new rura 在当今我国全面建设社会主义新农村的环境下,特别结合当前我国农村地区人民防灾,减灾意识薄弱,抗灾能力低下的大环境下,灾害及其有可能成为我们新农村建设中的一个可怕“杀手”,我们的很多建设发展成果都可能会在顷刻的灾难中化为虚有。
In today's China, HIV/AIDS is mainly transmitted by sexual intercourse and the most vulnerable are prostitutes. 摘要当前中国经性传播的方式传染艾滋病的比率已经超过其他途径。
In today's China, with the continuous blindnessof consumers, the films and TV plays with historical consumerism have obviously become commonplace. 摘要中国当下,伴随着消费对象的不断“越界”,历史消费主义影视思潮呈现出日渐明显的泛化态势。
In today's China, women and men are on equal footing. 在今天的中国,男女平等。
In today's business environment, where the operational boundaries between firms have become fluid, it is often both pragmatically and analytically unfruitful to separate the interorganizational business processes from the intraorganizational ones. 在今天的商业环境下,不同企业的运营边界已经变得不再固定了,从实际效果和分析结果来看,区别组织之间的商业过程和组织内部的商业过程已经没有任何意义了。
In today's cartoon David Horsey makes fun of Schwarzenegger's address, which was light on substance -- but no one expected much of that anyway. 在今天的漫画中,戴维·霍尔西取笑了施瓦辛格对严肃问题所作的肤浅的讲话———不过,也没人指望他能谈多少有深度的内容。
In today's cartoon David Horsey makes fun of the explanation of children's TV, the special programme that uses entertainment to help children to learn and take their first steps in the world outside their family. 在今天的漫画中,漫画家戴维·霍尔西嘲笑了儿童电视节目的自我标榜,这种特别的节目据说是用娱乐方式来帮助儿童学习认字,帮助儿童向家庭之外的大千世界迈出第一步。
In today's complex and fast-moving management environments, the complexity of management is prominent. 摘要当前复杂动态管理环境下,管理复杂性问题日益突出。
In today's complex international situation, humanity is called to mobilize its best energies so that love may prevail over hatred, peace over war, truth over falsehood and forgiveness over revenge. 在当前复杂的国际局势下,人类必须动员一切最好的力量,使爱克服仇恨,和平克胜战争,真理战胜谎言,宽恕胜过报复。

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