Acknowledgment, recognition, or jurisdiction; the assumption of jurisdiction in a case.
裁判权,司法权承认、认可或司法;案件的司法设想 |
AclObjectIdentityAware: Indicates a domain object instance is able to provide AclObjectIdentity information.
表示一个单独的域对象实例的标识。 |
Acme president McKinley is so nervous not even his beautiful secretary Harriet can calm him.
印刷长厂长麦金利得悉总裁要来后非常紧张,连他漂亮的女秘书哈里特都无法使他保持镇定。 |
Acne Removing Cleanser ---Acne Removing &Skin Cleaning Liquor ---Acne Removing &Marks Fading Essence ---Acne Removing &&Skin Cleaning Cream.
祛痘洁面膏——祛痘净肤水——祛痘消印精华素——祛痘净肤霜。 |
Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States.
在美国,粉刺是最常见的皮肤病。 |
Acolyte 500 +2 bonus to self spell skills (body, mind, spirit).
侍僧500+2自我魔法技能(灵魂、心智、肢体)。 |
Acommunity is like a ship;everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.
一个社区就像一艘船,每个人都应准备着掌舵。 |
Aconcert-recital recording from the winner of the Chopin Competition 2000, Featuring the repertoire for which he is best known-Chopin and Liszt-as well as a variety of unique bonus material.
2000年肖邦国际钢琴经赛得主的独奏会录像,内容是他最著名的肖邦与李斯特的曲目,还包括了多首返场曲及31分钟的附加节目。 |
Acoording to the optic structure, the mathematical model was established by Jones matrix method.
根据所设计的光学结构,建立了传感器测量的数学模型。 |
Acordar_Comunicación Ofrece solucións globais para a comunicación na rede. Creación, desenrrolo e mantenimento web.
大地海外升学服务中心包括暑期国语游学团及海外留学介绍服务的资料,以及数个国家的学制及院校的资料。 |
Acording to a recent Los Angeles Times poll ,84 percent of Landvoters ih California support a proposalthat would get rid of bilingual education in the public school there .That even higherthan the impressive 80 percent level of support for the proposal at
根据洛杉机时报的民意测验记录,加州84%的本土选民支持取消公立学校的双语教育的建议.甚至较此惊人的80%支持水平更高. |