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Use this setting with vocals or instruments to compensate for proximity effect or to reduce the low frequencies that can make an instrument sound dull or muddy.

Use this key to open the door. 用这把钥匙把门打开。
Use this method sparingly, such as when a style is to be applied to a single occurrence of an element. 一般这类方法在个别元素需要改变样式的时候使用。
Use this money when the need arise. 有需要就使用这笔钱。
Use this money when the need arises. 有需要时就使用这笔钱.
Use this money when the need arises. 如果有需要就用这些钱.
Use this setting with vocals or instruments to compensate for proximity effect or to reduce the low frequencies that can make an instrument sound dull or muddy. 可用它来补偿人声或乐器的邻近效应,或降低可使乐器声音显得沉闷或拖泥带水的低频部分。
Use this system to manage the books flexibly and conveniently on the computer, thus big improvement punishes efficiency, make management to be further more modernized. 应用本系统可以在计算机上灵活、方便地管理图书,从而大大的提高了处理效率,使管理更加现代化。
Use this time to contemplate the implications of each topic you choose to write on. 利用这段时间认真考虑你选择回答的每个题目的含义。
Use this to dynamically register a compiler function plugin. Pass in the compiler function name, followed by the PHP function that implements it. 动态注册一个编译函数插件,前两个参数是编译函数的名称、执行函数的名称。
Use this to dynamically register block functions plugins. Pass in the block function name, followed by the PHP function callback that implements it. 用来动态注册/定义块函数插件。前两个参数指定块函数名称和执行函数的名称。
Use this to dynamically register modifier plugin. Pass in the template modifier name, followed by the PHP function that it implements it. 动态注册一个修饰器插件,需要制定模板修饰器的名称,和实现具体功能的函数。

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