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Could the M_w=9. Sumatra earthquake trigger a geomagnetic jerk?
苏门答腊M_W=9. 级地震会触发地磁急变吗?

Corresponding design solutions can be sought to eliminate or decrease the user-confusing barriers and to provide as much convenience as possible,which is vital to upgrade of product value and entrance into barrier-free society. 认知障碍依来源可分解为使用者、外部环境、产品本身,从产品设计的角度采取相应的设计策略,减弱或消除那些引起使用者感到困惑、困难的认知障碍,为使用者提供最大可能的方便,成为我们提升产品价值、进入无障碍社会的关键。
Corrosion prevention of reinforcement of ceased project 停建工程钢筋的防护措施
Cortical tremors and myoclonus with or without seizures were presented as main clinical manifestations in the patients. 所有患者均以皮质震颤、肌阵挛伴或不伴癫痫发作为主要临床表现。
Cortico-steoid therapy is effective after the definitude of the disease. 明确诊断后,糖皮质激素治疗有效。
Cosmos sulphureus n==sm+st; n==sm+st;
Could the M_w=9. Sumatra earthquake trigger a geomagnetic jerk? 苏门答腊M_W=9. 级地震会触发地磁急变吗?
Coupling to Shielded Cables 屏蔽电缆的耦合作用
Courseware Design of History of Spectroscopy, Chemistry and Optics on Postage Stamp 邮票上的光谱学史、化学史和光学史课件的制作
Courtly Love Tradition and Chaucer's The Book of Duchess 宫廷爱情诗传统与乔叟的《公爵夫人颂》
Covalently bounded latex-egg antigen cross-reacted with sera from patients of schistosomiasis mansoni and schistosomiasis haematobium, the cross reaction rates being 0.% (7/) and .% (/) respectively. 曼氏血吸虫病和埃及血吸虫病患者的阳性率分别为0.%(7/)及.%(/);
Cp_ TiCl_ -n-BuLi System for the Hydrogenation of Olefin 溶剂对Cp_TiCl_-n-BuLi催化加氢体系性能的影响

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