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When you were behind the monitor,did you notice that there were two cables plugged into the back of it,not just one?

When you see a thief, you are pleased with him, And you associate with adulterers. 诗50:18你见了盗贼、就乐意与他同夥、又与行奸淫的人、一同有分。
When you specifically talk about Arjen's name I want to make it very, very clear that the fact we have signed Malouda does not open the door for him to leave,Mourinho told Sky Sports News. “当你们谈论罗本的时候,我就要非常非常非常肯定的告诉你我们引进马卢达并不是为了卖掉罗本,”魔力鸟对天空体育说。
When you stomps a corpse's face, beware that corpse will catch your leg. 「当你踩在尸体的脸上时,小心他会一把抓住你的脚。」
When you use a laptop, you can make your head and neck comfortable, or you can make your hands and arms comfortable, but it's impossible to do both,says Tom Albin of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, a national think tank that has issued a standards r 「当你使用膝上型电脑时,你可以使头部和颈部感觉舒服,或者让双手和手臂维持舒适,但不可能两者同时办到,」曾发布电脑工作站人体工学标准报告的全国性智库「人性因素与人体工学协会」的艾尔本说。
When you were behind the monitor, did you notice that there were two cables plugged into the back of it, not just one? 你在显示器后面注意到它插着不是一根而是两根电源线吗?
When you were behind the monitor,did you notice that there were two cables plugged into the back of it,not just one? 你到显示器后面看看,有没有注意到有两条电线插在后面,不是只有一条哦?
When you're 1-0 down you have to attack. We kept a lot of attacking players and it worked for us. At times you have to be gung-ho. 当你以0:1落后的时候你必须进攻.我们保持了许多的攻击球员,这对我们很有效.随时你们都必须同心协力.
When you're in your bed, the mattresses, bed sheets and pillows get both warm and humid4 ─ an environment the critters like, so they thrive there.the clinic's Web site cautions. 该中心的网站提醒,当躺在床上时,床垫、床单与枕头就变得既温暖又潮湿,是尘蹒这种生物喜好的环境,因此牠们就繁殖起来。
When you've gone so far in the competition and reached the semi-final, you want to go all the way,he declared. 当我们已经在竞赛中走了这末远而且进入了半决赛,你会希望走完全程他说。
When your days are complete and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your descendant after you, who will come forth from you, and I will establish his kingdom. 撒下7:12你寿数满足、与你列祖同睡的时候、我必使你的后裔接续你的位、我也必坚定他的国。
Whenis a temporal conjunction. when是一个时间连接词。

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