Four or five players played there last season, so the position seems wide open.
“四到五名球员在上赛季打过右后卫这个位置,因此这个位置似乎并没有太合适的人选。” |
Four points will keep us on course, but six will be better and that is what we are aiming for,he stated.
“四分就可以让我们进决赛圈了,但是六分更好,这也是我们的目标,”他说道。 |
Four teeth show signs of decay associated with the hole, indicating that the intervention in some cases could have been therapeutic or palliative,he added.
在这9名成年人遗骨中,有4名女性、两名男性,另外3人无法确定性别。科研小组发现,他们一共有11个牙齿被钻了孔。其中一个人的3颗牙齿上有钻孔,另外一个人的一颗牙齿还被钻了两次。 |
Free Lunch or Last Supper: China's Debt-Equity Swaps in Context.The China Business Review (July-August 2000): 22-27.
免费的午餐或是最后晚餐:中国债转股的来龙去脉〉,《中国商业评论》,2000年7.8月,页22-27. |
Free at last, free at last; thank God Almighty, we are free at last.
“终于自由了!终于自由了!感谢全能的上帝,我们终于自由了!” |
Free software,like free societies, has its enemies.
和自由社会一样,“自由软件”也有敌人。 |
Free speech is not an excuse to discriminate when government action or funding is involved,said plaintiff attorney Morton Sklar.
他还说:“当涉及政府行为或资助时,言论将不能成为歧视的借口。” |
Freeze your ass off when that fire dies down. Better off sleepin in the tent.
“等火灭了非把你的屁股冻掉不可。还是睡帐篷吧。” |
French fries are a core equity for McDonald's.
「炸薯条是麦当劳最有价值也最可靠的资产。」 |
Frenzy: This talent can now trigger from Kill Command.
狂乱:这个天赋现在能被杀戮指令触发。 |
Frequent consumption of sugary snacks is the principal cause of tooth decay, which can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort.
“频繁摄取含糖的零食是蛀牙形成的主要诱因,给人们带来了很大的痛苦和不便。” |