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Getting to and from work can be stressful.

Getting these children to do what you want is a science, I can tell you! 我敢说,要做到让这些孩子百依百顺那可是一门艺术!
Getting things quickly and cheaply to customers can be expensive. 让客户快捷廉价的得到商品,其成本是高昂的。
Getting third prize was poor consolation for all their hard work. 他们那麽努力才获得三等奖, 真有点说不过去.
Getting third prize was poor consolation for all their hard work. 他们那麽努力才获得三等奖,真有点说不过去.
Getting this amount of film and the big 6X17 cm cameras and lenses past Security and X-Ray machines was never easy. 带着这个数量的胶卷,以及几个巨大的617的相机和镜头,经过安检和X光机器可不是件容易的事情。
Getting to and from work can be stressful. 上下班可能会有压力.
Getting to know you, let me know I am not matual at all. 认识了你,让我知道我原来一点都不成熟.
Getting to know you, let me know mutual cherishment is so important. 认识了你,让我知道相互珍惜如此重要.
Getting to the truth will take time. 查明真相还需要时间,需要倾听更为深入的证词。
Getting together with friends (even if we are venting) helps to put us in the moment. 与朋友聚会(即使我们在发泄)会帮助我们沉浸在那个时刻。
Getting up at the crack of dawn is part of his daily routine. 5天一破晓就起床是他日常生活的一个组成部分.

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