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BlueBear picked a big basketful and took them into his little cottage.

Blue-collar workers in the United States have also lost out. 在美国的蓝领工人也失去了很多。
Blue-ear pig disease has been brought under preliminary controlthrough vaccinations and mass culls of infected pigs, Jia Youling, China's chief veterinary officer, said on Monday. 通过接种疫苗和扑杀染病猪,猪蓝耳病疫情已得到“初步控制”,中国兽医局局长贾幼陵周一说。
Blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women, apparently because eye color can help reveal whether their partner has been faithful, researchers said on Monday. 本周一公布的一项调查结果表明,蓝眼睛男人对蓝眼睛女人情有独钟,而其中的主要原因则是眼睛的颜色能够帮助他们判断女方是否忠实。
Blue-star Petrochemical CO.LTD, Tianjin branch is a modernized , multiple petrochemical combinated enterprise for refinery , chemical and trade . 蓝星石化有限公司天津分公司是一座集炼油、化工、商贸为一体的现代化综合型石化联合企业。
BlueBear lives in a cozy little cottage in the woods near a hill, not far from the sea. 蓝熊生活在小山旁的森林里的一个小木屋里,那里靠近大海。
BlueBear picked a big basketful and took them into his little cottage. 蓝熊采了一大篮子,把它们带回了他的小木屋。
BlueBird, the car he was driving, had Been specially Built for him. 他所驾驶的汽车是为他特制的`蓝鸟'。
BlueRay Precision Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2001, whose former entity was Super-Fine Molding Technology Center of Guangdong key laboratories on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, mainly committing himself to the design, production and the re 蓝光精机科技有限公司成立于2001年,它的前身是广东省现代制造技术重点实验室超精成型技术中心,主要致力于光盘模具等精密模具的设计、生产,以及相关技术服务。
Blueberries rank number one in terms of their antioxidant power. 越橘抗氧化功效排名第一。
Bluebires, baby brother burst into tears. 蓝色鸣鸟的弟弟突然放声大哭。
Bluefin tuna stocks have been tumbling worldwide, a situation conservationists blame on overfishing and poaching. 全世界的黑鲔鱼正逐渐减少中,保育人士将此归咎于过度捕捞及偷捕。

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