One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago?
我们不禁要惊羡地问一句:一个月前这些种子还在哪儿呢? |
One examins the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago?
我们不禁要惊羡地问一句:一个月前这些种子还在哪儿呢? |
One example came from a Macusi Indian of Guyana.
其中一个例子引自圭亚那一个马库希印第安人。 |
One example concerns an analysis of the last three elections in Bangladesh.
有个实例关系到孟加拉共和国最后的三次选举分析。 |
One example is John Adams, the second man to serve as U.S.
约翰哑当就是一例,他是美国第二任总统。 |
One example is maternal inheritance technology, in which modified genes pass down to only the seeds (the maternal line), not to the pollen (the paternal side).
方法之一是利用母性遗传技术:经过修饰的基因只会传给种子(母系),而不会传给花粉(父系);这项技术已经在菸草、马铃薯及番茄等植物上进行了测试。 |
One example is phones that operate on both digital and analog networks.
既可以在数字网中工作、又可以在模拟网络中工作的手机就是一个例子。 |
One example is template colors.
最简单的例子就是模板色彩变量。 |
One example is the case of the American shoemaker Nike, which received criticism because of its inhumane working conditions in developing countries, including Indonesia and China.
以美国鞋商耐克公司为例,因为它在中国和印度尼西亚等发展中国家的工厂里的恶劣工作环境,而备受指责。 |
One example is the four-oh-one-K plan. Part of the new pension law makes it easier for employers to offer investment advice to employees with four-oh-one-K plans.
明确了捐献计划不用提供保证福利。替代的是雇员(并且经常是他们的雇主)附加钱到一个投资计划中,那是不需要缴税的。当工人们退休了,他们能从计划中收回金钱。 |
One example is what Americans call concierge services -- domestic help, childcare, gardening and decorating.
美国人所谓的家政服务――做家务,带孩子,修剪花木,居家装饰――即为一例。 |