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The task of my study is focussed on the reproduction of recognizing the actual history of obstetrical and gynecological diseases and its developing process, thus, drawing an objective conception on the law of recognition of such disorders.

The task of fixingthe problem rested squarely on the shoulders of the relatively new FCC. 定象任务问题方形地基于相对地新FCC的肩膀。
The task of ensuring safe operations of commercial and private aircraft falls on air traffic controllers. 是空中交通管制确保了各种商业及私人飞行的安全。
The task of increasing employment is arduous now and will remain so for a long time to come. 扩大就业是我国当前和今后长时期重大而艰巨的任务。
The task of judicial process to stipulate judicial powers and lawsuit act of party, so the cases can be solved in a fair and just a1znphen. 摘要司法程序的任务就是规制司法权以及当事人的诉讼行为,使案件能够在会平、公正的氛围中得以解决。
The task of modern democracy, apparently, is toperiodically appoint those who shall be our societal dictators. 很显然,现代民主的任务就是定期指定谁来担任我们的独裁者。
The task of my study is focussed on the reproduction of recognizing the actual history of obstetrical and gynecological diseases and its developing process, thus, drawing an objective conception on the law of recognition of such disorders. 其研究任务在于再现古代中医妇产科疾病认识的真实历史面貌与动态发展过程,并就妇产科疾病认识发展的规律提出客观的观点与意见。
The task of selective transmission and reception is thus reduced to solving a series of simultaneous equations. 选择性收发讯号的工作,于是简化成一系列联立方程式的解题过程。
The task of the belts is clear: in the case of an accident, they should work with the compulsory Head And Neck Support (HANS) system to protect the driver from smashing against the steering wheel, and at the same time they absorb some of the impact energy 安全带的功能很明显:在发生事故的情况下,安全带应该在强制的‘头颈支持系统’(HANS)配合下能够保护车手免受与方向盘撞击的伤害,同时它们还可以吸收部分冲击能量。
The task of typography is to determine the degree of divergence. 字体编排设计的任务同时也是决定分歧的程度。
The task of typography is to make writing visible - to make visible the fact of its being a translation from voice into letter, from letter into letter. 字体编排设计的任务是将文字内容视觉化,将其从语言转化为文字、从(译/博者:抽象的)文字又转化为(有具体形象的)文字的这个事实(过程)视觉化。
The task prove inconceivably more difficult than we have imagine. 任务的困难程度超过我们的想像,确实难以置信。

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