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Capillary:Brass or stainless steel capillary with s/s protector.

Capello lunged at me, he always had a quick temper. 卡配罗一个箭步冲上来,他的脾气总是那么急躁。
Capello must have had four people holding him back. Get the F**k out of my sighthe bellowed. Go back to the hotel! 卡配罗当时被四个人拉着,他咆哮着说:“别让我看到这个该死的家伙,滚回旅馆去!”
Capello, who worked with Zebina at both Juve and Roma, wants to bring Zebina to Spain as he tries to offload Jonathan Woodgate and Ivan Helguera this week. 卡佩罗是泽比纳在尤文和罗马时的教练,他希望把泽比纳带到西班牙,同时想卖掉伍德盖特和埃尔戈拉.
Cape——a profuse mantle of long hair covering the shoulders as a cape might. 在肩膀的位置覆盖着大量丰富的长毛,就像披肩一样。
Capillarity(capillary action) The rise or fall of liquids in narrow tubes as a result of the surface tension of the liquid, which causes the water to adhere to solid surfaces, such as soil particles or the walls of xylem vessels. 毛细现象(毛细管作用):由液体表面张力引起的液体在细管中上升或下降的现象,毛细现象引起水和固体表面的粘合作用,例如土壤颗粒或木质部导管壁。
Capillary:Brass or stainless steel capillary with s/s protector. 毛细管:铜或不锈钢毛细管,不锈钢保护管。
CapitaLand, the Singapore-based real estate giant, also recently signed an agreement with Shenzhen International Trust &Investment to develop and manage 21 large shopping malls in China, most of which are also expected to be anchored by Wal-Mart stores. 新加坡的地产巨头凯德置地最近也同深圳国投签订协议,共同开发和管理中国境内21大型超市,其中多数仍将由沃尔马管理。
Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM) only considers systematical risk and assumes that non-systematical risk can be eliminated by diversification. 摘要资本资产定价模型只考虑系统风险,并假定非系统风险可以通过多样化消除。
Capital Essence Corp. provides Capital Essence investment newsletter, provides precise and useful Capital Essence Market Outlook analysis, Technical Analysis, Picks of the day, etc. online services (CEM News), stock FTP training, option, currency, etc. tr 钱途集团提供钱途投资通讯,钱途提供准确和实用的市场走势分析,技术分析,精股推荐等网上服务(CEM钱途投资通讯),股票FTP培训班,期权,外汇交易培训班等﹐举办各类投资研讨会和为全世界主要报纸提供投资策略文章。
Capital Services: Assist Hi-tech companies in project financing , mergers and acquisitions, corporation restructure, and technology capitalization, and related activities. 资本服务:为高新技术企业提供项目融资、并购重组、企业改制、技术资本化等服务。
Capital account liberalization is not only the development orientation of Chinese financial reform, but also the inevitable objective of Chinese economic liberalization. 摘要开放资本账户既是我国金融改革的发展方向,也是我国经济开放的必然目标之一。

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