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Assist to thoroughly remove oil and acne dirt, penetrate into pores, peel off dead epidermis cells and dredge pipes of sebum gland.

Assist to fulfill annual statutory audit, annual inspection. 协调完成公司年度审计以及年检工作。
Assist to manage and maintain the information facilities, including Desk PC, laptop Computer, printer etc. 协助管理和维护公司的电脑信息设施,包括电脑台式机,笔记本电脑,打印机等。
Assist to manage the quality complaints, warrenty procedures and systems inline with the company guidelines. 协助管理质量投诉、保修程序和系统,符合公司指导方针。
Assist to plan and optimize supply delivery frequency to improve inventory turns. 协助优化供应商供货频次,提高库存周转次数。
Assist to plant manager do others work. 协助工厂经理其他工作.
Assist to thoroughly remove oil and acne dirt, penetrate into pores, peel off dead epidermis cells and dredge pipes of sebum gland. 在帮助彻底清洁面部油垢的同时深入毛孔,去除表皮坏死细胞促使皮脂腺管畅通无阻塞。
Assist training Operations staff on critical I/E equipment operation and safety. 协助培训操作工有关关键仪表/电气,设备的操作及安全注意事项。
Assist with Scanning at MGH. 5协助在MGH进行扫描。
Assist with identifying and evaluation EHS in own dept. 协助本部门EHS环境因素与危险源识别与评价工作。
Assist with new product launches and training. 协助新产品的投放市场及训练。
Assistance, as provided for in this Agreement, shall also include, upon a Party's own initiative or request, all information apt to ensure the enforcement of the Customs laws and the accurate assessment of Customs duties and other taxes by the Customs adm 二、本协定所规定的协助亦包括一方主动或应请求向另一方提供可能有助于其确保海关法的实施及正确计征关税和其他税的情报。

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