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He set the alarm at six.

He set off on a trip to France. 他出发到法国去旅行。
He set off once more in spite of his friends' attempts to dissuade him. 尽管他的朋友尽力劝阻,他还是再度起航了。
He set one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan. 王上12:29他就把牛犊一只安在伯特利、一只安在但。
He set out to bind the states into an empire—his empire. 他开始了大业,要把这些国家统一为一个帝国—他的帝国。
He set out to conquer the literary world of london. 他决心赢得伦敦文学界的赞誉。
He set the alarm at six. 他把闹钟拨到6点钟响铃。
He set the bottle back on the sideboard and sighed. It was then that his gaze fell upon Harry. 他把小瓶重新放回到餐具柜上,叹了一口气。这时,他的目光才落在哈利的身上。
He set the dogs on the trespasser. 他唆使狗攻击侵入者。
He set the glass in carefully so that if fits the window frame exactly. 他小心地将玻璃放进去,以便正好嵌到窗框里。
He set the ladder against the wall. 他把梯子靠墙放。
He set the prisoners free. 他放囚犯自由。

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