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Don't make yourself a nuisance to others.

Don't make so much noise. I'm working. 别吵,我在干活。
Don't make the gas stove go out when i was out. 我不在家的时候,请别让炉子灭了.
Don't make the same kind of tools year after year. 不要年复一年地生产同一种工具。
Don't make the same mistakes. 别再犯同样的错误。
Don't make your nook near the TV or an area subject to high levels of pedestrian traffic - you'll never get any peace! 不要把你的读书角购建在电视或保守行人交通噪声打扰的地方——你不会感受到平静。
Don't make yourself a nuisance to others. 不要做一个令人讨厌的人。
Don't make yourself too greedy! 不要让自己太过贪婪!
Don't male light of oneself because everyone has limitless potential. 不要小看自己,因为人有无限的可能。
Don't marry that good for nothing. 别嫁给那个没出息的人。
Don't massage or rub the person. Handle people with hypothermia gently because they're at risk of cardiac arrest. 不要按摩或摩擦患者。在移动患者时一定要轻,因为他们正处于心脏停搏的危险边缘。
Don't meddle in my affairs. 别干预我的事情。

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