Feather Fall. Objects or creatures fall slowly.
羽落术:物体或生物缓慢下落。 |
Feather by feather the goose is plucked.
只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。 |
Feather growth begins with a thickening of the epidermis called the placode, which elongates into a tube—the feather germ [see illustration above].
首先,表皮上的基板开始增厚,并拉长成一根管子,称为羽芽(见上方〈羽毛的成长过程〉)。 |
Feather is very light, so that we sayas light as a feather.
羽毛很轻,因此我们说“轻如鸿毛”。 |
Feathered Friends Group will contain any fabrics with birds or feathers.
“羽友系列”将包括带鸟类或羽毛图案的织物。 |
Feathers (usually ostrich) - Willing obedience and serenity.
羽饰(通常为鸵鸟羽质)-甘愿臣服。 |
Feats: 1st, Inertial Armor; 3rd, Inner Strength; 6th, Combat Manifestation; 9th, Talented; 12th, Body Fuel; 15th, Psychic Bastion; 18th, Trigger Power (negate psionics).
专长:1级:“惰性护甲”,3级:“内心强健”,6级:“战斗显能”,9级:“灵能天赋”,12级:“燃烧自身”,15级:“心力堡垒”,18级:“触发异能:消解灵能”。 |
Feats: Same as the base creature.
专长:与基础生物相同。 |
Featu ring 18 FULL ROUTINES and 40 SLEIGHTS, this is the ultimate introduction to performing astounding sleight-of-hand magic with just an ordinary pack of cards!
环现象.临床全部18个套路和40拼,这是最终的介绍表演令人惊叹花招--魔术手与一介折卡! |
Feature Stories Eyebrows hanging like bird's nests on a cliff.
译文:特征记事:眉毛像鸟巢挂在悬崖上. |
Feature and use: The machine used for cutting material such as rubber、plastic、leather and some others into test pieces that standards set.It is use as a minitype punch.
本机用于将橡胶、塑料、皮革及其他特殊材料冲切成各种标准规定的试片,供试验时用。亦可充当小型冲床使用。 |