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1 This system is used for the chemical laboratory and its functions to remove harmful vapors from the exhausted air by means of water or specified reagent dilution.

1 This insurance attaches as the subject-matter insured is loaded on board the oversea vessel at the port or place named herein for the commencement of the transit, continues during the ordinary course of transit and terminates as the subject-matter insur 本保险责任始于保险标的在载明的港口或地点为运输装上海船之时,在通常运送过程中持续,并终止于保险标的在载明的目的地卸离海船船舷之时。
1 This is an API standard mud daily report. 这是一份API标准的泥浆日报表.
1 This is the drilling fluid's programme of WEIZHOU 12-1-3 well. 这是涠洲12-1-3井的泥浆设计书。
1 This new video tape from Al-Quida invites Americans to convert to Islam. 基地组织的新录像带鼓励美国人皈依伊斯兰教。
1 This practice covers procedures for the description of soils for engineering purposes. 1这个惯例适用于用于工程用途的土的描述程序.
1 This system is used for the chemical laboratory and its functions to remove harmful vapors from the exhausted air by means of water or specified reagent dilution. 化学实验室排气系统需要有空气净化塔,通过水和特殊试剂对排气中有害气体进行洗涤。
1 This tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderers from eligible source countries as defined under the Guidelines f`or Procurementof the w`orld Bank. (二)本合同项下的一切货物、服务均应来自上述具有资格的国家。本合同项下的一切开支仅限于支付这样的货物和服务。
1 This tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderers from eligible source countries as defined under the Guidelines for Procurementof the world Bank. (一)所有根据世行的“采购指导原则”具有资格的国家均可投标。
1 This virus has killed birds in about forty countries. It is highly deadly to chickens, turkeys and other poultry. But birds are not the only ones at risk. 这种病毒已经在大约四十个国家杀死了鸟类。它在鸡,火鸡及其它家禽中的死亡率极高。但不仅仅是鸟类有这种危险。
1 Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. 1不应使用计算机危害他人。
1 Though John has a muscular body and a fierce look, he is a man who wouldn't hurt a fly . 虽然约翰很健壮,但他是个连蚂蚁都不会踩的男人。

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