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Further, we have recently shown that rhesus monkeys kept on caloric restriction for an extended time (nearly 15 years) have less chronic disease, just as the risk data suggested.

Further, to avoid serialization problems, the file system is not responsible for serializing this access - the paging file belongs to the VM system, and the VM system is responsible for serializing access to this file (this eliminates some of the re-entra 进一步,为了避免串行化问题,文件系统不负责将访问串行化――页面调度文件属于虚拟内存系统,而虚拟内存系统负责把对这个文件的访问串行化(这消除了出现在常规文件访问中的重入锁定问题)。
Further, today's systems are just the beginning: we can easily conceive of archival services that could be relied on for hundreds of years and intelligent search engines for tomorrow's Semantic Web [see “The Semantic Web,” by Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendle 另外,今天的系统也只是个开端:我们可以轻易构思出足以信赖数百年的典藏服务,并且开发出智慧型搜寻引擎,以供未来的语意网使用(可参见《科学人》2002年8月号〈语意网:电脑也能看懂〉)。
Further, under +49 3831 29 76 97 you can query all basic data on Office technics, Smoke and/or also on Office. 请您访问我们的主页,获悉其它的当前信息。
Further, under +49 7192 92 31-0 you can query all basic data on Mixing Technology, Bulk material and/or also on ring. 请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的信息和服务。
Further, urinary crystals were found more frequently in patients with urinary calculus than in those without. 此外,较之非结石病患,尿路结石病患较易于尿液中发现结晶体。
Further, we have recently shown that rhesus monkeys kept on caloric restriction for an extended time (nearly 15 years) have less chronic disease, just as the risk data suggested. 此外,我们最近也指出,根据风险资料的统计,长期限食(将近15年)的恒河猴得慢性病的机会也较低。
Further, you should always keep away from spirits. 另外,永远别碰烈性酒。
Further, you will catch and solve many problems which the final big-bangquality-check would miss but which the customer will find on the first day. 而且你可能会发现和解决一些很容易被客户找到但在最终质量检查中无法查到的问题。
Further, young adults who reported high levels of self-forgiveness were more likely to be satisfied with their lives, whereas middle age and older adults who reported high levels of forgiveness of others were more likely to report increased life satisfact 此外,研究还表明,宽容待己的年轻人对自己的生活现状一般比较满意,而宽以待人的中老年人对自己的生活现状一般比较满意。
FurtherLove in Myth just helps the sentimental education in the Western civilization. 因此,反观中国神话中的女人,她们既不美丽,又不创造罗曼史。
Furthermo re, the zinc vaporating and oxydizing cause air bubble, incomplete fusion and cr ack. 锌挥发和氧化会导致气孔、未熔合及裂纹。

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