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The purification and assay methods for pectic enzymes are differed with various strains.

The pure silver Olympic mascot souvenir set, based on 999 pure silver, combines the technique of coin making and relievo coloring. 奥运吉祥物纯银套装以999纯银为材料,采用造币技术和浮雕加彩工艺。
The pure time-series analysis was developed firstly. 早期的研究主要以时间序列数据为主。
The pure variety of the Criollo tree is found mainly in its native Ecuador and Venezuela. 最纯正的克里奥洛可可树主要分布在厄瓜多尔和委内瑞拉。
The pure, simple, and steadfast spirit is not distracted by many labors, for he does them all for the honor of God. 纯净、素朴而有恒的心灵不会受诸般的操劳干扰,因为他行事全是为了天主的光荣。
The purest affection is friendship, the most beautiful picture is memory, the most intoxicating wine is departure and the deepest sea is missing. 最清纯的情是友谊,最美丽的影是回忆,最醉人的酒是离别,最深邃的海是相思.
The purification and assay methods for pectic enzymes are differed with various strains. 由于不同菌种产生的果胶酶成分复杂程度不同,分离纯化手段和分析方法也不相同。
The purification and control of the spiritual body takes place within the endocrine glands, under the direction of the mind. 在头脑的指导下,对精神身体的净化和控制发生于内分泌腺体之内。
The purification effects by the two methods were compared, showing that the yield of arabinogalactan purified by the resin was 68.28%, and the sugar content was 95.02%, while those by polyamide column were 75.67% and 98.30% respectively. 结果表明,经大孔树脂层析柱纯化后的阿拉伯半乳聚糖产品得率为68.28%,糖含量为95.02%;经聚酰胺层析柱纯化后的产品得率为75.67%,糖含量为98.30%。
The purification of souls 教主义的;禁欲的;苦行的。
The purified grade is used in the Pharmaceuticals, Dielectric, Cosmetic and Food Industries. 提纯级的瓜尔胶用于医药、绝缘材料、化妆品以及食品行业中。
The purified water then descends by gravity to a basement holding tank. 经过净化的水靠重力流到地下室的另一个集水箱里。

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