They found that the part of the brain that was active when a person donated happened to be the brain's reward centre—the mesolimbic pathway, to give it its proper name—responsible for doling out the dopamine-mediated euphoria associated with sex, money, f
他们发现当一个人正在捐赠时他脑中活跃的部位恰是“奖赏”中枢——准确的说是中央边缘通路——它负责产生多巴胺介导的由性、金钱、食物和药物引起的愉悦。 |
They found that the transaction-cost sector doubled its share of the US economy, from just over a quarter in 1870 to just over half in 1970.
他们发现,在1870年至1970年间,具有交易成本的行业在美国经济中所占比重已经从逾四分之一上升到略高于50%,提高了一倍。 |
They found that these systems are not haphazard; instead, lurking underneath is a remarkably subtle form of order.
他们发现这些系统并不是那麽随机,相反地,隐身其后的竟是一种非常微妙的秩序。 |
They found that they had a lot in common and got on well.
他们发现他们有许多共同之处,相处得也很好。 |
They found that those who watched the most television between the ages five and fifteen were the least likely to finish high school and college by age twenty-six.
他们发现,那些5到15岁看很多电视的人在26岁的很少完成高校和大学学业。 |
They found that when requests for benevolence were financial, rather than time-consuming, romantically primed men were happy to chip in extravagantly.
他们发现当慈善行为要求付出的是金钱而非时间时,那些浪漫思想的男性都会很热衷地大肆捐助。 |
They found that when this gene is made to become very active, It improves the ability of rice to survive longer when cover by water.
他们发现当这种基因变的很活跃,提高了水稻在水中长时间存活的能力。 |
They found that whenrequests for benevolence were financial, rather than time-consuming,romantically primed men were happy to chip in extravagantly.
他们发现,当要求人们做出经济上而不是仅耗费时间的善行时,以浪漫思想为导向的小组里的男性会极为愿意去阔气地捐款。 |
They found that while French women most wanted to stand out in a crowd thanks to their own very good sense of style, British women, though spending more on cosmetics, didn't mind looking less distinctive, as long as they looked good.
调查发现,拥有很强“时尚感”的法国女性最渴望引人注目;而英国女性尽管在化妆品上投资不少,但她们觉得只要漂亮就行,不一定非得与众不同。 |
They found that younger professionals, in particular, were most likely to have unfavourable stereotypes of obese people.
他们发现特别是一些较年轻的医护人员更容易对肥胖病人有偏见。 |
They found that, like the temperature, the snowfall record showed no significant change.
他们发现,正如气温一样,降雪量也没有任何变化。 |